Chapter 60: She is not alone.

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Celeborns hand pressed over her belly. His head lowered into a bow. His fingers moved to a different position. Then slide lower. Thranduil watched it all as he reached out and took her hand into his. Then Celeborn's head shot up and his eyes opened. Staring at nothing . His lips parted with a small gasp then he recoiled and stood up.

Thranduil watched him . His brows creasing ."What is it cousin? I would have you tell me immediately. What is wrong with Juniper."

Celeborn ran his hands over his head and into the sea of silver tresses at the back of his head. His hands falling as he inhales. " She is with child Thranduil."

"I knew it. " He looked to Juniper and pulled her into his lap. "I knew it that morning when she started eating meat. " He held her closely. " That night something happened. Something that had never happened before. We had bonded before . There is no doubt it had happened . That night though it was a bond unlike anything to ever happen before it. "

Celeborn regained his composure quickly. " Has that happened since then?

" Thranduil shook his head. " Yes and no . It was not like that. That night it was intense. She showed me places that I never knew could exist. She made demands of ME. "

Celeborn cleared his throat. " How long ago was that?"

Thranduil lifted his gaze. Tears on his cheeks. " Almost 3 months. "

"The baby is there. If this were a typical elven pregnancy I would say she was at least that far along. We have nothing to go on Thranduil. This is new. We need to call on Elrond. He needs to be here. Galadriel can not leave Lorien. Not now and while I am old and wise, cousin I am not the one for this. I will stay as long as it takes to get Elrond here. "

Thranduil understood the urgency in his voice. " Send a message. Coded as much as you can. No one can know of this other than us. "

She was beginning to stir again. He went silent and just held her closely.

Now she was in a struggle against him. He having just told her that she was with child. She had caught onto the meaning of his words rather quickly. He was crying but he was not upset. He was happy and this confused her.

" Why are you crying?" She asked as she tried to slither her way out of his grip.

He let her go suddenly . She Nearly falling from his lap was caught and simply placed back where she had been sitting. " I am crying because I am so happy."

That was when she stopped and went still. The weight of everything told to her in those minutes hitting her. Her lips quickly curled into a wide smile. " We created life? You and I ?" She threw her arms around him and laughed. "We did not even mean to and we did it."

Thranduil embraced her in return. " I know. " He was beginning to giggle at their private joke.

"Orist will have a sibling now. " Her hands slide down over her belly. " You hear that little one you have a big brother. " She bounces off Thranduil's lap and walks slowly towards the door. I have to tell Elthian then Ninnel and Galion . Then I will tell Orist. " She was eager.

Celeborn spoke up and pulled her from her dream. " Juniper. No one else but Elrond should know right now."

She stopped and spun around. "Well why not?"

Thranduil stepped closer and gently took her shoulders under his hands. He lowered down and pulled her close as he explained everything. He watched the change in her gaze as he laid it all out. The darkness that wants her. The evil in the world. The battle in Imladris. She was not as safe as she had been before.

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