Chapter 77: The Day After

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Minol's camp erupted in celebration. There would be no war between them and Their Queen. Their Queen had birthed a new fae into the world that night and it was reason to celebrate. He found himself drinking far too much himself. His reasons to celebrate so much more. Everything that came before was to get right here. To the point He was reunited with her and now as the future begins to become reality he would watch it unfold up close and personal. He was a bit narcissistic. How could he not be? It was pulling off the biggest game ever played. The ultimate con. Playing god. If he said he did not like this feeling he would be lying.

He left his tent and simply meandered among the party. He was sure Thranduil would be shocked to see orc and humans living together and getting along. Yet here in his camp it happened. These Orc never touched by that ancient evil. Born into this world and living far from people. These Orc only went to war when their people began to disappear and the evil rose in the south. Minol had nurtured them for their races entire existence. He needed their power.

These humans. All of them once tainted by the filth of Sauron. He detested Sauron. Even if he served him for an age. His lack of flare was off putting to Minol. He did rejoice when those 2 little Hobbits finally made it into Mount Doom. He knew he was about to be rid of what annoyed him the most and he was just a short time away from her .

He did feel like celebrating. He began to shop. Simply picking and choosing which ones he wanted. Human females were delicious . So where their males for that matter. Soon he had several men and women following him through the party and back to his tent.

The Elves had begun to celebrate as well. The news there would be no war and the Birth of a new fae was more than enough reason to rejoice. There was one tent that was quiet. Surrounded by guards and Magic. She was awake sore and weakened but alive.

Thranduil lay beside her and held her closely. " You have to stop scaring me Melamin. I am not as young as I once was. "

Her lips twitched then she giggled. " Thranduil you are an Elf You do not feel the aches and pains of aging. Stop trying to gain my sympathy. " Her head lay on his chest. " I am sorry . If there had been another way . Any other way . I would have done that. I have a feeling though. That he made it so this was what I would do . In the end here we all sit together."

Thranduil listened to her . She was not fooled a bit. She was figuring it all out without the exposition Minol gave him. "No speaking of him tonight. " He cautioned and pressed fingers to her lips. " Tonight We name our daughter and we become a family. A widely extended and mismatched shit show of a family ..." He just laughed now. Actually happy to be saying it. " but its my family." Thousands of years of utter sadness. Mourning Her. His beautiful Myriani. That whole time He never thought he would have much of a family. Just He and Legolas and Tauriel. How wrong he was. He thought of Myriani as he held Juniper. She had given him this.

"Have you thought of a name Husband?" Juniper asked and nuzzled her cheek against him.

" I can not say that I have . It was strange not knowing the sex so I just thought I would wait till right now to brain storm a name. "

She sighs and rolls her eyes. She had a name in mind. " Melian " She said proudly.

Thranduil's brows lifted. A grin found his lips. " yes. I like that name as well. Our Beautiful Gift. "


Elrond had returned and in his arms was the child. He was smiling, Joyously smiling. Which was something you did not see Elrond do much of. Thranduil helped her sit up and turn around. " She is perfectly healthy and at 7 pounds Juniper it is a Miracle you were able to give birth. " He placed the baby into her arms . She looked like Juniper. Her features were Pixish. Though her ears were more Elven. Juniper needed to see every inch of this child.

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