Chapter 139: Connections

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Her eyes blinked a few times then opened just a bit. She could see the dark sky turning lighter and the shades of grey mixed with pink from the clouds. Draped over her ribs was a strong protective arm and the most delicious warmth that radiated along her back. Fingers slowly splayed out and a large hand pressed to her belly and she found herself smiling at the gesture.

"Good morning wife." A deep voice grumbled from behind her.

"Good morning Melamin." She managed to wiggle around so she was facing him. Her face nuzzled against his chest and she was drawn into his his embrace. "This will all be over soon. Then we will return to you."

"All three of you better. I would be quite miffed if you don't"

She breathed deeply of his scent and let it permeated her. "The three of us?" She asked softly.

"Yes, you my beloved wife and also my dear husband and the life they created."

He woke up suddenly and winced at the pain in his side. Celeborn had him tucked away in his tent with guards and someone with him at all times. Just then it happened to be his insufferable cousin himself.

"You really are a fool Thranduil." He heard Celeborn and felt his eyes roll all on there own.

"Your ribs were broken 2 days ago and you quietly bound them yourself and went to fight a dragon." Celeborn scolded him.

Thranduil looked around his tent and sighed seeing the familiar yet empty décor of his dwellings then looked at the hand that had been holding her just moments before and as he breathed in her scent still lingered in the air around him and emitted from his tunic.

"Celeborn, I was just with her." He said softly and stared at his hand.

Celeborn was just about to speak and he pulled back his further words of admonishment. "You were with her? Juniper?"

"Yes, I was holding her and I felt her spirit and that of another life within her. I told her the three of them best return to me when it was all over with. She seemed frail in my arms but she was not frail. She was strong and ready for the fight." Thranduil finally looked towards his cousin. "I have never felt like I feel right now. I need her, This longing is ... it is keeping me going and killing me at the same time. It's making me reckless and I can not be so. "

Celeborns brows lifted and he was silent for several long moments. "You mean Juniper his with child and facing Morgoth in a fight? Thranduil are you not worried?"

"Oh I am," He nodded and just looked to Celeborn and sighed. "I know I just made a big thing about not being reckless but I need to get up. I have too much to do Celeborn. There are troops to tend to and .."

"and you are in no shape to see to them. Even your own guard would side with me at this time and happily face sedition charges later." Celeborn reached out and gently pushed Thranduil back against the pillows. "The troops are being tended by gods right now Thranduil and Feren has everything else under control. You need to heal as much as possible."


Juniper was silent as she spooned her breakfast past her lips. Elthian kept eyeing her, just waiting to see any spark of actual life in her eyes. She seemed so lost in the moments after she had woke up and he wondered about her dreams. He made no secret of watching her. There was no need to, not at this time. She had not even taken notice of it. She sat in the morning sunlight. Her hair turning that glorious shade of gold. Her flesh took on the golden glow. He leaned back and looked at her in her surroundings. The purple mountains in the distance. The green field that sprang up around her kneeling form.

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