Chapter 81: The First day of the Moon (Waste not want not.)

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The sun had not even risen and she was still feeling worn thin. It was decided she would not ride Buttercup today. The bear would be an escort. Juniper lay on a pile of cushions and blankets in the Royal Carriage. Her baby snuggled in the basket beside her. Elthian climbs in with her. His smile wide. He had not been able to see her for a few days . She reached out to him and pulled him into a kiss. Her lips firmly against his, her tongue began to sweep against them and He just gave in.

The door opens again and Thranduil sighs. " Well I can see how this Moon will be . We are just into the first day. "

Elthian jumped back and cleared his throat. " My Lord I... she... " He was stammering over his words when Thranduil laughed.

" Peace Melamin. You have not seen her in a few days and we are in the moons week. However, take precautions please. She does not wish to have another child so quickly. "

Elthian's eyes widened and he felt his cheeks go red with heat. " Y-Yes my Lord" he said softly.

She was just grinning at her husband. " You should ride with us . It would bring me great joy to have my family so close . "

Thranduil could see the aggressive side of her coming through. When she was like this her body made demands her mind did not necessarily want or need. He stepped in and knelt beside the basket and looked at his child then to her. " I will ride with you later. After lunch. " He leaned down and kissed her tenderly. " Until then try and leave Elthian unmolested. " He whispered against her lips making her giggle and Elthian sink down into the cushions.

" Ah Me" He said in frustration.

Thranduil would leave and soon they could feel the wheels begin to move.

Finnola and Glorfindel flanked the royal carriage. Their positions officially now among the Queens Guard. Elrond approved of this. Legolas stood on a large tree branch and watched his fathers caravan pass. His gaze following Finnola and Glorfindel. It still hurt, it stung his fea. He turned away and did not look back . He leaps down and heads off towards his future there with Feren and this new city he would build.

Tauriel and Jeven rode behind the carriage. They smiling at each other, Both carried some worry. They still had not told the king of their bonding. This was something that would need to be addressed when they got home.

In the shadows something creeps. It remains out of the light and forever in the darkness. It's eyes seeing everything. The king is leaving and his son rules here now. It shifts from shadow to shadow. always watching. Never too close never too far. it moves down the line of the caravan. The thicker the forest the stronger it becomes. The light fades and darkness rules.

It's interest begins to focus on one the elves in the guard. Lorithir the others called him. He was a handsome ellon. His eyes bright green His hair a dark red yet streaked with gold from the sun. He wore it in warrior braids and while proficient with a bow he was utterly deadly with sword and dagger. He liked to be up close with those he fought . Which was why he was on the Kings guard.

Shadow and shade were drawn to him. Staying close to observe and listen to his conversations. "I will be so glad to get home." The elleth that rode next to him sighed.

" I suspect Aleshea is missing the arms of her Librarian." Lorithir scoffs.

So the elleth was called Aleshea. She was quite pretty with her ruddy brown hair and hazel eyes. Her full lips smiled and she shook her head at Lorithir. "He is more than a Librarian . He is the Kings record keeper. I live among hard things and risk the end of pointy things piercing me everyday. Its nice to spend time with something soft and sensual. I guess you wouldn't know about that." The words came from her tongue with a bit of venom.

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