Chapter 141: The Right Weapon

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Thranduil had bathed Elthian's body himself. The pain from his ribs seemed to not even register with the King. Elrond watched from a respectful distance. Mainly just to make sure Thranduil did not further injure himself even though he was now well on the mend . He ended up being witness to the Kings grief. Elthian was lain in the war tent. Thranduil had carefully dressed him in some of his own finery and placed his own circlet upon Elthian's head. Many came by to pay their respects before Elthian would start his long journey home.

Thranduil sat on his throne. The large seat traveled with him, he had it made just for this. The chair was large and ornate. It bore the symbols of his House and his Home. Carved beautifully in the wood. While no where near as grand as his Throne back home it was still grand in its own right and He missed seeing her curled up in it. He was stoic and quiet as he sat in thought in those moments. Thinking of her and knowing she must be overwhelmed for she hid herself from him and he felt nothing from her.

The light that poured into his tent as someone entered made him look up. Vorondil had entered with Elrond. The moved closer and Thranduil watched in his silence. No emotion showed on his face but his eyes were reddened and wet. The King did study this elf that had brought his lover back to him. This strange Elf from the east. He was fair haired like Elthian and himself. Only his hair was twisted into long rows that were gathered together and tied at the back of his head. His eyes were as green as emeralds and while he looked younger than Legolas those green eyes held the look of one that was ancient.

"This is Vorondil." Elrond's voice broke the silence like the slice of a whip through the air.

Thranduil's cold gaze did not leave this new elf and finally he found words. "Tell me everything." He said plainly.


Glorfindel was in deep conversation with Elrohir and Elladan. Feren was just arriving with Elessar and Yarth. He was still filling them all in of the army that was coming. He ones in command and their own capabilities. Eomer arrived last, as he entered the tent he interrupted them a bit rudely but for a good reason.

"I think all of you need to come with me."

He left just as quickly and the leaders followed him out. He was walking at a quick pace through camp . They had to hurry to catch up. He answered their questions with a wave of his hand. He bore a smile and in his gaze was the wonder of a child. He lead them out of camp and up a small hill. There he stopped and they were all looking out over a vast army that was just arriving. All they could see on the horizon was the dark moving line of this army and in the front was the biggest elf Eomer had ever seen.

One of the front line broke off and began to ride for them at full gallop. The closer the ride got Glorfindel recognized Caranthir. "It is good to see you Caranthir." Glorfindel called out. The elves with him blinked and looked hard towards the rider.

He finally came to a stop a few feet away and asked. "Will they accept us?"

Glorfindel nodded then sighed. "Vorondil arrived yesterday, He brought Elthian back to his king."

Caranthir's eyes widened and he seemed to shrink back from them in shock. "Elthian? Oh no." He turned quickly and ride back to the line . They watched as Caranthir delivered the news to the others. Soon there were several that broke off and rode towards them.


Vorondil spoke of that day in hushed tones and a quiver to his voice.

"We found ourselves under attack. She had us split up. She ran the middle and Elthian and I took the sides. Minol and Minogos were in the center and being over run. She reached them first I was in the thick of it and I lost sight of them. I managed to fight through and..." Vorondil swallowed hard as his throat constricted and he felt the pain in his chest. "I heard the loudest cry piercing the sounds of death around me and I saw her holding him. Surrounded by many dead orc and troll. She held him and then the world became heavy and I could no longer stand . I could see Minol holding her down, and I began to crawl towards them and suddenly the weight was gone and I could rise. I was told to bring him to you and I promised her I would take him all the way home. My Lord I, I am, " Vorondil then fell to him knees and sobbed. His arms wrapped around his torso trying to comfort himself. Elrond lay a hand on his shoulder.

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