Chapter 83: The Cats out of the Bag

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Thranduil sat in the tent. The rest of the camp bustled outside . Packing up for the next leg of the journey home. They would be there before night fall and everyone was looking forward to it. Elrond and Gandalf inspecting his face. Both of them in shock. Elrond stepped back . His fingers curl a bit and he presses his knuckles to his lips in thought. His eyes lifted and fell on Juniper. She was sitting in a chair nursing her child and now she watched him watch her.

"That was very evil magic that made those wounds Juniper. I wish to know how you healed him and The one called Ryu. The hand that made those scars was evil as well. " Elrond said lowly.

Juniper lifted her shoulders in a small shrug. " I don't know Elrond. I lay my hand on it and think about how much I desire it to be gone. Then it's gone. I can't explain it to you because I have no idea. "

Gandalf now eyed her. His gaze hard and when he stepped closer she cringed and leaned back in her chair. He saw her reactions and stopped the look in his eyes easing into one of compassionate curiosity. "Forgive me wee Fae. I have been overwhelmed with my thoughts. We have tried to heal him for millennia and you did it in one night."

Thranduil pipes up with a grin . " It was actually about 20 minutes or so. "

Her eyes went a bit wide . Elrond and Gandalf both looked at him and he just smiled proudly.

" I ended up healing her the rest of the night." Juniper looked to her husband with wide eyes and a blush across her cheeks.

Gandalf and Elrond just groan . Their eyes roll and they look anywhere but at either of them. Thranduil wore a smirk then and looked at her. His brows lifted and she felt herself blush even more deeply.

Elrond finally spoke. "Show me how it looks with the minimal amount of magic Thranduil."

Thranduil raised the glamor easily. It was far less that he had to use before and all of those waves in his skin just smoothed out. " Im barely putting anything into it now . I already feel much lighter. "

Elrond threw his hands in the air. " I don't even know where to begin to document this."

Juniper was covering her breast and rising from her chair. She moved between them to her husband. He taking the baby from her arms and holding her to his chest . Melian squirmed and opened her eyes to look up at him. Her eyes were like his icy greyish blue. He just smiled, entranced by the beautiful child he held.

" You start from the beginning . I will help you. " Juniper said and looked up to Elrond. Thranduil looked to her and arched a brow he wondered if she knew what she was getting into with Elrond and his studies.

Juniper rode with them that day. She strapped her baby to herself in the sling and climbed up on Buttercups back. He lumbered forward and fell into stride along side Thranduil. The king was caught smiling as he rode along side his Queen.

Shadow followed along . Blending in with the darker places. Fascinated now by Lorithir and his new companion. She rode with him. Perched in the saddle before him. She was lovely. She wore one of his tunics. It was far too large for her . Ryu being rather dainty. Not as small as the Queen but somewhere in between the Queen and himself. She had belted it around her waist with a piece of rope. She threw her old clothing and her sandals in the fire the night before. Ryu wanting nothing from her past.

He felt protective of her. The curve of her back molded against his chest and stomach. She seemed to fit like a piece of a puzzle . Right against the shape of him. She began to doze off against him and when her head lay against his bicep, He wrapped his arms around her. Aleshea glances over and smirks at him . His eyes narrow and he shakes his head. She remains silent.

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