Chapter 41: Solutions

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Today she was dressed in a more casual dress. It was light against her flesh. It was simple yet elegant . A deep maroon color with silver lace over it . She stretched out her wings and looked in the mirror . Thranduil walking behind her. He stopped and admired her . Her hair was left mostly loose . The golden waves spilled down her back. Small braids at her temples were woven with little yellow flowers and tied at the back of her head with a maroon ribbon.

" I have something for you. " He said and she looked to his reflection in the mirror and smiled.

" You do? I sure hope it's a kiss . This task you have for me today is one I do not wish to do ." He approached her slowly his hands behind his back and once he was behind her he placed a diadem upon her head. She gasped and looked at it in the mirror . He making sure it was secure in her hair .

" This is a diadem I had made for you. It's for moments like this and less bulky than your formal crown . " He explained. It was in the shape of a bird. Its wings half open . Made of silver with diamonds on the wings . The breast of the bird was a huge blue sapphire and dangling down in the center an oval pearl kissed just at her hairline and forehead.

She turned and wrapped her arms around him . " I love it . " He smiled and embraces her as well then turns her around looking at her with a wide smile. He then places an elegant string if pearls around her slender neck.

" Every Queen should have pearls. " His whispers in her ear.

" You are spoiling me my love ." Her fingers drifted over the smooth cool pearls. Her opal ring on her finger . She rarely ever took it off. It was part of her connection to him after all.

" You never ask for such things. You never ask for much at all really . So allow me to spoil you. please." Her head turned and she looked up to him and his lips pressed to hers. His hand took hers and the kiss was broken .

" Now my heart we must do this today. "

She sighs and nods as he leads her through the bedroom and out of the door. Tauriel and Elthian follow them and Legolas met them in the hall .

" Good Morning Legolas . " She said with a smile. Thranduil spoke as well . " Man erin nin réd." He fell into pace with them . Thranduil going slower than normal . His Pixie had short legs after all. " Man erin adar ,Good morning My Queen. " Legolas said with a smile to her .

Thranduil tried to not speak sindaran much around her . She could read it but when it was spoken she was often lost. Slowly he was beginning to teach her though.

" I am not looking forward to this . " She said to Legolas .

" Neither am I but it must be done . They can not stay locked in their homes forever. " Legolas glanced to his father who nods to him in approval.

It would take a bit for them to reach the home of Vesryn his wife inside. Thranduil had allowed her mother to visit her so she would not be utterly alone. The guards opened the door. The King entered followed by the Queen her wings folded down against her back . Next was Legolas and Tauriel and Elthian would follow. Vesryn's Wife was named Qwir her mother was Lyra. They would both curtsy and Qwir welcomed them to her home. She had the look of of a woman about to fall apart . Her Mother, the look of sheer terror . Juniper saw no darkness in either of them.

Thranduil asked questions. Did she know about his treason . She shook her head and say no.

"My Lord. I had no idea. Vesryn would not speak of court to me . I was concerned when he became close with Nilastiel. That ellon made my spine crawl . The way he looked at me . It was like he was undressing me with every sweep of his gaze. I would say something to Vesryn about it but he said I was being paranoid. I told him I didn't want that ellon in my home and He never brought him here again. He would start staying out late with him . He would come home drunk and smelling like a companion woman. His temper got very short and He would get angry with me at the drop of a hat and he started telling me soon we would be better off we would have higher status. These were things I never asked for . I just wanted the man I loved and our simple home and perhaps a child or 2 . He turned from a kind compassionate man to someone I didn't even know. " She started to cry then . " I could feel ... I could. .. He was pulling away from me and his fea was .. struggling. "

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