Chapter 150: Pledges, Fights and Freedom from the Moon.

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Thranduil sat at his desk within the camp. He was there everyday, dealing with all manner of things to do with his own people, Elves, Humans and Orcs. There was much on his mind and in his heart. So much, he had not been sharing with her, in hope, she would be stronger by the time, such news were presented to her. The death of Narl was the big thing, he had kept from her. She had lost so much already.

Then his mind drifted to thoughts of his father. He was in Cuivienen, returned to Middle Earth and a guard in Thingol's service. At first, this news hurt. Why wouldn't his father come find him? His father, whom he loved and respected, but as he had time to really reflect on this, he began to understand his father's fears. They were his fears, too. Soon they would depart for Cuivienen, this would be the first leg of their journey home. Seeking his father, would be his choice.

The tent flap opening, made him look up from his thoughts, to see Feren entering. "The day has just begun and you already look exhausted, mellon. Sit down," he chuckled and motioned to one of the chairs. "The preparations are being made for our departure. Adnir left yesterday with the last group of our own heading back before we leave. I am ready, My Lord. I miss my wife and my children." He sank into the chair and his shoulders slumped.

"What of Radelia? You and I both know, she means far more to you than just some tawdry battlefield romance," Thranduil asked as he poured Feren some tea.

Feren laughed and took the tea. "You think, my wife would warm up to the idea? Radelia does have something to offer the both of us. She is a healer and she is really good with children. Strange, that I am even considering such an arrangement." He lifted his cup and sipped at the tea.

Thranduil smirked and sat back, looking at his oldest friend. "Maybe it isn't so crazy of an idea, Feren. Ever since she arrived, things have begun to change. Some things have been harder than others, but I no longer view the world as I once did. I am sitting here, agonizing over the best way to tell my non-Elf wife about the death of her friend and mine, who was an Orc, Feren. Does any of that make sense? Just five years ago, I would have thought you insane for such a suggestion. Maybe love is simply love. No matter, how strange it may seem. Look at myself, my wife and Elthian. All I am saying is, the possibilities seem endless now. The world no longer feels like it's small."

Feren grinned at his King and friend. "I am looking at the biggest change right before me. You have a lust for life again. I suppose, I do, too. I feel new again. Thranduil, the very idea, that we can return, gives us all hope. We few, that still remain, that did not sail. We have watched our numbers dwindle and our lands fade, but look, there is a whole land of our kin here. We few, that remained, that love this world and did not want to leave, no longer feel like we are fading."

He finished his tea and rose from his seat, "I feel honored, to have been here, to have seen the world change. Now I am ready to go home. To watch my Kingdom grow with my King and my children. My family, how ever it ends up. Now, if you will excuse me, I am supposed to meet with Orome about supplies. You know, one of the Gods." He just laughed as he walked to the flap. "Thank you for listening, My Lord." He smiled and bowed his head before he left.

She felt a caress to her head, she smiled and slid her hand across the bed, but it met nothing. Thranduil had been gone since dawn. She gasped, lifted her head quickly and looked around. There was no one there. She turned to look at the bed and there, on the pillow beside her, sat a white, shining gem. She gasped and scooped it up. She was on her feet and running towards the deck. The door pushed open, she looked everywhere. Frantically she ran down the steps and into the garden.

Spinning around, she looked over the dimly-lit area and gasped, when she looked at Minogos, just a few feet away. He looked concerned. She looked terrified. "What is it, My Lady?" She held out her hand and opened her fingers. There, on her palm was the glowing, white gem. "Is that the...?" He never finished the question. She nodded quickly.

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