Chapter 111: The March Warden's Wine

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Juniper stood beside her husband. Watching everything about the ceremony. It was the first one she was witness to. Ryu was splendid in her white dress. White lace draped over her curves and spilled down around her feet. In contrast to the darkness of her eyes and hair. Her hair like a river of pitch that shimmered in the light with flecks of blue. She smiled as Thranduil asks if they have the rings.

Moments before the ceremony began Juniper stood with Ryu in Thranduil's office. In Juniper's hand was a small circle of silver. She took Ryu's small hand and lay the silver ring on the palm and pushed her fingers to curl around it.

"Thranduil told me this ring is for Legolas. He said that this ring is the one he wore when he was betrothed. His adar and his adar's adar all the way back to the first of their line wore these rings. The one that you will wear was worn by all the wives all the way back. He said that these rings will be passed to your son when he is betrothed. "

Ryu gasped and looked at the ring in her hand.

"When you are married you will replace the silver ring with one of gold. That is the ring you will wear all of you life and you will both be one. " Juniper wrapped her arms around her sister and hugged her tightly. "I am so happy. " She said in a whisper to Ryu's ear.

Then leaned back and looked her in her eyes. "But are you sure? Are you sure he is the one?" The look in her eyes told all the truth Juniper need to know.

"I am."

A rather exhausted looking Galion knocked at the door.

A few minutes later the ceremony was at hand. Thranduil was speaking the words. Words about love and bonding and the rings were exchanged and they were officially betrothed. Then they feasted.

Juniper was unusually quiet during all this. Seeming to prefer sitting alone and sipping wine. For some reason that night it tasted really good. She did mingle with those gathered . She danced with Thranduil and Elthian. Then watched as Ryu and Legolas sneaked away. A little grin formed on her lips.

The night continued and she drank more wine while sitting on the steps of the dais. Slowly the melancholy that had threatened to make her evening a bit less fun was fading and she had a buzzing sensation in her head. Elladan came to sit with her . He carried a bottle of wine with him. This bottle looked different than the others.

"My Lady." He bowed to her as he approached.

She was now feeling extremely social and swept her hand out before her in a generous motion. "Please my dear Elladan sit with me and share your wine." She thrust her goblet out towards him and smiled brightly. How could he say no? Which he didn't.

"You know this is Haldir's wine and its a bit different than Dorwinion." He said with a smile.

"What makes it different?" She asked and watched the dark amber liquid flow to her goblet.

"Haldir does something to it. He won't tell me what it is. Though I do have some suspicions." Elladan sat beside her now and just drank from the bottle and she lifted her goblet to her lips.

Then he continued. "It's a bit stronger. "

She took a deep drink and it almost burned as it went down but it had a fruity flavor which she found she did like.

"You don't say." The Queen remarked and coughed a little.

"I watched Legolas destroy what he had with Finnola." He leveled his gaze on Juniper who was drinking more from her goblet and she was finding she rather enjoyed the burn. "It was so harsh. I tried to warn him about his behavior prior but he did not listen. Now I know why."

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