Chapter 32: The Prodigal Son

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Sentillia had welcomed Thranduil into her chambers every night that week. They had engaged in more than just sex. He would have supper with her. They would play Kings and Queens . A game like chess. Thranduil would win at first but soon Sentillia would get the hang of it and she would be the victor as well. She was a welcomed break to the loneliness he was experiencing and despite the sex they were growing to be rather good friends.

Thranduil allowed himself to like the elleth and treated her with more respect. Something His beloved Juniper would have demanded from him if she had known what he was doing. Even though they had a sort of relationship in the past he realized he did not really know this elleth. Now he was understanding her better . She was not the vapid whore he had thought of her as in the past. In fact she was a kind and intelligent elleth with thoughts and dreams far exceeding marrying into royalty. Strangely enough He could see her with his son.

The week of the full moon was coming to an end and they lay in her bed together . Their flesh pressing against each others. He lightly caressing her shoulder as He held her. " I hope we can remain friends. " He said " I have enjoyed actually getting to know you beyond the pleasures of the flesh."

Sentillia lifted up to rest in an elbow . Her thick red hair flowing down to splay over his belly. " I am honored by your words Thranduil . I do not see why we could not be friends as long as your wife approved of it. You are quite lucky the Valar allowed love to bloom for you once more. "

He reaches up and smooths a bit of her hair behind a pointed ear. " I am an incredibly lucky ellon. " His fingers then slipped through her hair to the back of her head, pulling her lips down to his.


The weather was finally clearing. They would leave in the morning . His body atop hers. His fingers laced with hers. His lips crushing to hers and she moaning against them. His heart was feeling pangs of sadness. Knowing that he will never know her like this once the journey was over . Once the battle had finished and she was back with her King. He broke the kiss and just looked down on the beautiful face of His Queen. Her eyes beginning to look worried. " Why are you sad Elthian? " She asked and He would internally groan having forgotten she can feel everything he does. " Because , this maybe the last night I will ever feel you against me like this."

She had not seen it like that. " I had not thought of that. " she confessed. " Lets not dwell on such things and just enjoy the time we do have. " He sighs with a smile and lowered his lips to hers once more. Her skin was so perfect under his fingers. Her lips were sweet and when he dared to taste the flesh between her thighs it was like the sweetest honey on his tongue. He marveled at every inch of her and would cherish these moments .


The sun had just begun to peek over the horizon. Tauriel had ridden back with The King and his cousin whom she talked to most of the way back to Edoras. She finding the giant woman easy to like and once they arrived at the Longhouse of the King she found the people of Rohan very likable as well. Despite their rough exteriors they were easy to laugh and once they got to know her a bit very accepting of the Elleth in their halls.

She advised, what Finnola had called the old men in the longhouse, of what the elves had learned of this darkness. They indeed had agreed with Finnola's assessment but in the years since the battle of The Pelaennor Fields, their numbers had not really grown. There was concern about leaving Rohan unprotected. Gandalf would suggest that in the time they had that Tauriel train a small group to be left behind to defend Edoras with her skills passed to them 30 men would be able to fight like 60 . They would agree .

Preparations were being made for Rohan to go to war now. One piece of the puzzle was falling into place.

In the days since Legolas and Gimli has left Rohan . Legolas had been quiet. His mood was solemn . He missed Finnola .

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