Chapter 51: Messages

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Elrond sat at his desk tending matters he must before he leaves for Lorien and Greenwood. Lindir entered without even knocking. In his hand a piece of paper rolled up and held tightly. "Lord Elrond you must read this ."

The missive passed into Elrond's hand . His eyes on Lindir. This type of behavior was not common from this Ellon. Elrond unfolds the paper and as he reads his brows creased . He looked to Lindir in silence for a few moments. His breathing had gotten heavy as he let what he read sink in . " Find my sons and have them report to me . Immediately."

Lindir nodded. " Yes My Lord."

Elrond fell into the chair. The missive placed on his desk . He turned to look out of the window. His heart growing heavy. He finds his hand curling into a fist that he lightly lets pound against his desk. Elladan and Elrohir enter his office. They were having a lighthearted conversation but both would go silent seeing how disturbed their father looked.

"Adar, What has happened?" Elladan asked as his face began to show his concern. His brothers doing the same.

Elrond lifted the paper and slid it closer to them. " Something has attacked the Shire. " His voice was grim as was the look on his face when he turned to regard them. " I want food, healers anything that could be needed . Ready by days end. Rally your soldiers. Prepare to escort the wagons and find out what is going on and destroy the attackers . This is foul most foul to attack peaceful folk who have no army to defend themselves. Especially those as gentle as Hobbits. " His fist finally came down hard upon his desk.

"Lindir!" He called I need the fastest rider to carry a message to Greenwood and Lorien.

Elladan and Elrohir got to work immediately . Arranging wagon after wagon of supplies and help for the Hobbits of the shire. Their troops getting prepared and ready quickly. They always ready to go at a moments notice. Elrond himself was going to the shire . The Hobbits had become very dear to him . They deserved the best he could provide.

As the sun just barely began to rise the caravan of wagons and practically a whole army set out for the shire. Elrond hopes they would get there in time to help. Elladan and Elrohir rode ahead with 20 twenty warriors. They would arrive before the rest and do what they could.

Thranduil was enjoying the day in the courtyard garden with his pixie. The garden was glorious . She having brought it to life . It was filled with all sorts of sweet smelling and colorful flowers. They were lounging on cushions lain out in the warm sun light. Thranduil's back against a pillar. She laying beside him with her head resting against his thigh. He lightly caressed her cheek then let his fingers pass through her soft hair. The golden waves fall lightly down to splay over his thighs.

He laughed easily with her. He smiled so much his face would sometimes hurt.

" You bring me joy My Pixie. " He tells her.

Which makes her blush and giggle. She reaches up and presses her soft small hand to his cheek . " Well that's good because I love it when you smile and look at me like that."

He blinks " Like what? "

She sits up and scoots herself so she was in his lap Her head lays against his chest . " Like you are the happiest elf in the world. "

His arms wrapped around her . " You know I might just be the happiest elf in the world. Though I was not happy for over a thousand years. I was cold and empty. You brought warmth to me and have filled the emptiness with light and love . I wonder how I got so lucky. "

"Its because you have a cute butt." she said totally serious. He pushed her back so he could look at her . She was smiling widely then bust out into fits of giggles. He rolled his eyes and pulled her back against him. " I'm flattered that you are a fan of my backside. "

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