Chapter 101: Reclamation

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There as an ache in her body unlike any she had ever experienced. Her muscles threaten to cramp with each passing moment and she lay there curled up and sobbing. The movement of the wagon stopped. She simply lay there. She could not move. The door to the wagon was opening. She heard the key slide into the lock and saw the bit of light that spilled in from the moon light sky outside. She wasn't sure what time it was but the sun had not yet risen. The wagon shifted as someone climbed inside .

"I can imagine that you are rather ... uncomfortable at this moment little Fae." She heard the foot steps on the floor beside her head. She felt the gentle shift of the wagon as he crouched down. A hand was caressing her hair . She wanted to recoil but any movement but her in terrible pain. "it is a shame that such a beautiful thing should suffer. I can alleviate your pain. I have that power. You must understand though. If you disobey me. I can and will make you suffer. Keeping me happy will make this rather long journey we are about to take, much more to your liking. " this male voice was deep and seductive. It lulled her unto a strange sense of relaxation. She was rather docile at the moment .

He uncorked a vial and lowered it to her lips. It was just a few drops of bitter liquid on her tongue which she was to swallow. He just continued to gently stoke her head. His fingers running through her silver hair." You are all bruised. This does not please me much at all. My Master would be cross with me if I was to present you to him like this. " Slowly she began to be able to move a little . "that's it now your beginning to feel better aren't you." She was able to turn her head . Her eyes shifting to look up at him. What she beholds gives her a shock.

It was the mane of long golden red hair she saw first. It spilled down over his shoulders and chest. It reminded her of flames. His face was lovely. Beautiful even. It was a thin face . With high cheek bones and a slightly prominent brow. His brows were as golden as his eyes. Golden eyes. Like Dorians . "That look in you wear tells me you have seen eyes like mine before." He said cooly and even smiled. "I am Drannor. You are my captive but the way this relationship has begun does not mean it must remain on poor terms pet. "

Someone spoke in a language she didn't understand from outside the wagon. "Hold tight pet this is about to get bumpy." He said then left the wagon . She heard the lock slide into place then suddenly the wagon began to move very quickly. The terrain they were crossing became even more rough and she was bounced around. her body leaving the floor of the wagon several times. She still not strong enough to do much.

The wagon took a sharp turn. Going up on two wheels . She thrown against the wall . Then the wagon rights itself back to 4 wheels and she hits the floor rather hard. Then it takes another sharp turn the opposite direction and she hits the other wall. next thing she knew she was being thrown all over the wagon as it began to roll. Her head bounced off the wall one too many times and it all went dark.

Cool wind rushed over her body. The bindings were gone from her wrists to her elbows but the manacles remained around her wrists. She woke with a start and was fully able to move though now she was feeling the pain of being tossed about like a rag doll. This was a different voice . It held an accent like Jeven's. "Just take it easy. Do not jump up." When he touched her she jerked up and jumped back from him and immediately regretted her choice . She went dizzy and fell on her face in the dirt. "I told you not to do that." She was being lifted now and sat on her knees. Her hands going to her face to wipe the dirt away.

"Show me your face." she demanded. "If you want my trust show me your face." She looked right up to the man dressed in all black but for the crimson scarf around his head. His hand reached up and he pulled the scarf away freeing the long dark hair he had only time to twist up and pin. It fell loosely and blew in the wind. He pulled away the face covering and looked down at her. She blinked . The face looking down on her was Minol's but yet it was different just enough so that he was not a perfect twin. His eyes were purple the same shade as her own. His flesh like the mans she had just seen . It held a greyish tint. He was absolutely beautiful. "who are you?" she asked softly.

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