Chapter 44: Promises

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She was in the Garden enjoying the warm spring sun and around her, where she sat near the fountain the grass had turned green .Her back pressed the the side of the fountain. The song of the water around her .

He just stood there . In the shade of the pillared corridor, watching his pixie bask in the warm rays. She was alluring. Her flesh golden and seemed to radiate with a soft glow. She lay her head back. Her spine arching just so . It made her small breast lift and strain against the sheer linen of her dress. Her knees bent and draw up slightly . The dress falling down between her parted thighs, yet he knew well the wonders hidden from view and found himself longing to be between those soft thighs. He allowed himself to dwell in those thoughts until his body began to react . 'no' he would tell himself ' not now there was other business to attend to.' He stepped from the shadows and into the light. She lifted her head and watched him.

He was coming. He was coming towards her and she could not pull her eyes away. The suns light just made him even more glorious to look at. "Im see cin nin mel " she said

He grinned. " You're getting better at speaking. " He said and lowered down to sit beside her. Her head lay against his arm. Her own arm slides around his so her small hand could rest against his. " I have some good news My love. "

She peeks up at him " what about?" Her fingers caressing against his. " Galion found the owner of the dagger. " She sat up then and he would grieve the loss of her touch. " His name was Orist. I knew him naturally. He being in my guard. He had a Wife and Child on the way."

She gasp and felt a pang in her heart. Her hand pressing over it . " I see." was all she could muster to say. Her body rising and capturing the breeze . It made her dress flutter gently against her thighs. She began to walk towards the rooms.

"Where are you going my love?" He asked curiously.

" To get dressed so that I may keep my promise. " He nodded and pushed himself up . " Of course you are " He said to himself with a smile and followed her.


Galadriel was reading the message from Elrond. He was coming to visit having not found anything in the archives of Rivendell. He wanted to help with the wounded they still housed and go see the Fae in Greenwood. On her desk a missive from Elessar. They had found nothing in their records and he had refused compensation from the King of Greenwood then the letter was more personal than business and she smiled learning that Arwen was seeking compensation for the clothing Juniper had ruined to make her own small clothes for her escape and journey with the troops but only because the Fae had promised to.

Things were quiet at the moment . Perhaps a bit too quiet. Like the calm before the storm. This darkness could hide from even her vision. Celeborn had only found stories written for children in all that he had searched. Yet perhaps there was something more to these "Fairy Tales." She had grown curious and was herself reading them .

She held his hand. Her small fingers curled around 2 of his larger fingers. She was wearing the dress Shisha had made most recently . The one with the bears proudly displayed on it. It was her favorite other than her simple ones of linen. On her head was her diadem. It shimmered and sparkled in the light she would pass.

He could feel her worry and apprehension yet her steps did not falter. She would keep her promise. Thranduil was there for support. This was her promise to keep . Though he nor she knew what that would entail. She knocks on the door . A few moments later a rather shocked elleth opened it. Her eyes going wide seeing who her visitors were .

She was a rather pretty Elleth with black hair and blue eyes. Her belly slightly swollen with child. Juniper for a moment was stunned. She could do nothing more than look at the elleth with wide eyes.

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