Chapter 80: The Greatness in You

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Juniper left the tent looking rather weary. Gandalf's smile faded as his eyes now fell on Minol. " I am surprised You are the one that has been behind many terrible things. When I met you , you were just trying to survive in a big cruel world. Now you seem to have been running the cruel show. " Gandalf sighed.

Minol bowed his head a bit and smiles. " Indeed Olórin I was the master of many devastating plans. I was also the Master of this very plan you are a player in. You are just going to have to trust me and try and remember the one that was scratching to just survive. You are one of the only beings that would remember me as I was then. Truly outward appearances have changed for both of us since then but I assure you I am still the same."

Gandalf nodded slowly and steeples his fingers. " Is that so?" He grumbled " I suspect you can not just come and tell me out right how this all ends. to do that would ruin what you have done."

Minol grins. " That would be correct. "

Gandalf's hands moved and lay on the table. " I will follow the trail you are leaving Minol. I will follow it with Elrond. "

Minol pressed his hands to the table now and rose. " I would not have it any other way. I know you will not disappoint." 

Gandalf watches him take a few steps then speaks again. " The time you spent in Saurons counsel shows on you Minol. I hope that his influence only changed your outward appearance. I know He broke many minds. Powerful ones. What made you so special little demon?"

Minol bristled at being called that. He swallowed hard and cast a glance at Gandalf. " I was never a human, nor elf or dwarf. I was never a child of Eru. That is what makes me special. " With that he left the tent and Gandalf to his thoughts.

Juniper sat on the bed. Her legs criss crossed. Little Melian laying before her, all bundled up. some of her things had arrived from the fortress. She was wearing one of her silk dresses by Shisha. This one was a light grey in color with breading along the neck and lace along sleeves. On the skirts was the bear and the elk. It was her favorite design. Refusing shoes, her naked toes wiggled . Her hair flowed down her back in long golden curls. She just stared at the baby and the baby slept.

Her stomach was in knots. She had not even felt this badly when Thranduil presented her as the Queen. Now she will be presented even more people . These were not elves. She knew so little of all the other races. sure she had been around the Men of Gondor, The Dwarves of Erebor and a giant. The more she thought about this the more she began to realize . She did have experience. She knew more than she thought. That stroked her confidence enough to give her some hope.

The light from the tent flap being drawn to the side brought her out of her thoughts. Her eyes lifted and there was Thranduil. The uncertainty and the anxious fear poured from the small Fae. He smiled gently and sprawled on the bed opposite her with Melian's head towards him. He leaned down and press a small kiss to her forehead. " I remember , this frightened little fae who went to court. " He began. " She stood in the wings shaking. The knots in her stomach to great she felt as if her breakfast would end up on the floor. " Juniper smiled and watched him as He told this story to Melian. " She walked out before all the Lords and Ladies of the greatest Elven realm. This meek, tiny Pixie before all these great Elves was presented to them as their new Queen. " He began to smile even more now. " There were those that would speak up against her. They said loudly to the King. We can not accept this thing as our Queen. She is small and weak. She is not a great and mighty elf. " Her brows lifted . He spoke the words that they had veiled behind nicer ones.

" Suddenly this small, weak thing lifted into the air and flew before the whole court. Down from the dais and landed right in front of the one who spoke the loudest against her. She stood proudly before him and informed him rather firmly that If he didn't like it he could simply leave but if he chooses to stay He will show her respect and then before the whole court she told them all how she wished for their prosperity. Then invited them to talk to her and ask questions. To engage her and see for themselves what she was really like. " He then lifted his eyes and looked right into hers. " They did just that. They asked her questions and listened to her and before she knew it they were eating from the palm of her small hand. " He trailed off then for a few moments. " and that is how your naneth conquered the court of Greenwood. "

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