Chapter 144: Secret rooms and dark whispers.

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The dream she was having was fevered. Flashes and moments that did not blend together. Different moments in time trying to find their connections. She was looking in on things from long ago and then more recent things. There were even people and places she had never seen before. Doing things she did not understand and speaking in tongues the west had never heard.

Then slowly, things became a bit more understandable. "Think of things that make me happy," she told herself. The only thing she could think of was home, sitting in her garden and feeling the sun against her skin, children running around her and laughing, Thranduil coming to join her. They sat together in the sun and a child, she did not know, approached her and called her nana. His eyes were purple.

She gasped and struggled to wake up. She was thrust back into her body and she felt heavy and there was pain, but not as much as she was expecting. She remembered the beating, every punch, and then she was looking into his golden eyes. "You are healed and the life within you is still there," he whispered to her and helped her to sit up on the edge of a bed, her hands going to her belly first then slowly she began to breath with deep breaths.

"Where is Minogos?" She asked nearing a growl. "Now, is that any type of tone you should be taking with your rescuer?" Drannor asked with a frown.

"Where is Minogos?" Now she growled and Rowena was pushing her way out no matter how hard Juniper struggled to keep her back.

Drannor looked down on her with wide eyes and then he smiled and with a sweep of his hand he pulled back a thin curtain of clean linen and there lay Minogos, sleeping rather restfully on a cot and for someone, that took perhaps an even harsher beating then her own, he looked rather well.

"He heals pretty quickly. More than you, my dear. You were expecting him to be hanging from chains and bleeding?" He asked amused. "Of course that's what she expected." The moment, she heard this voice, a chill crawled up her spine. Her eyes looked directly into Drannor's and he shook his head ever so slightly at her in warning.

Her eyes cut towards the voice. The curtain was rustling a bit from a breeze that seemed to come from nowhere. Then slowly it parted. Her first glimpse of him was his hand and it was rather large. The flesh held that light grey tone like Minogos' and then there he was. He was beautiful. For a moment she stared a bit slack jawed in awe and fear. His long dark hair hung loosely down over his shoulders and grey piercing eyes bored into her's. There was a red ring around the pupils like Jeven's.

Rowena took her moment, her rage boiling over. There he was just feet away, so she pushed her way to the forefront. She already had the dagger, that hung from Drannor's belt, in her hand, she moved with such great speed, that he had little time to react. She tried to go small but couldn't, so she just out right attacked him, leaping upon the bed, then flinging herself towards him with the blade in hand. One swipe, then another back handed. She spun around and lunged for him again and again and he simply dodged and stepped out of the path of the blade a second quicker.

Then, when he became tired of this game, he reached out as she drew the dragger back for another attack and held her by her throat and suddenly she could not move. It was as if her limbs suddenly weight hundreds of pounds. Her arms dropped and the dagger fell clanking on the stone floor.

"So this is Rowena," he held her so he could look deeply into her eyes, "Oh, you are angry, aren't you?" He asked with a smile. There was nothing, but hate in her gaze. "There once was this great Elvish craftsman. His name was Feanor and he had a talent for making powerful gems. Then one day all of his pretty gems were taken from him by the most powerful of all the Gods."

He told her this story with a smirk on his lips. "Feanor was obsessed with the power of light. He liked to capture that light in stones. He came upon a light he could not and did not understand. So he trapped it in a stone." He lifted his free hand and between his large long fingers was a clear gem that held at its core a living light.

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