Chapter 99: I will no longer Question your Skill

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Things had been very quiet around the King and Queen. That night they decided not to discuss it further so that they may both think on this news . Feren while troubled continued to treat Dorian as he always had. Legolas had nothing to say nor did Tauriel. Jeven, Elthian all of them remained silent and deep in thought.

Over in tent town Minogos received a visitor in the darkness of the night. In the flesh Minol stood before him. It had been a very long time since he had truly seen his father. Minol silently moved around the tent and looked at his sons belongings. With a wave of his hand he silenced the tent. No sound would escape its borders. "You chose a very interesting way to announce your presence. Not only did you just strike at the plotters but you exposed their other sins. You have their combined attention. The Queen's especially." He turned slowly and regarded his son.

"Is that not what you wanted me to do?" He shook his head and began to pace then. "These humans make me sick. Enslaving anything and everything they feel they can. Especially the most innocent. I can not stand by and allow such things to happen and it just worked to my benefit that those that plot against her are also terrible examples of humans." He would finally stop pacing and stand under his fathers gaze.

Minol's brows raised . He could feel that hatred seeping from his son. "I will destroy them all. For her." he hissed lowly. The killer was awakening again. His nature coming forth and it was terrifying and beautiful . 

"She is sympathetic to you My son. He is too but is bound by duty. You will face trial for your crimes. " Minogos looked on Minol with hard eyes. "My crimes? " He laughed. "I am ready to face whatever I must for her father. I will keep my promise. "

He then opened one of his many trunks and began to pull forth his costume. It was what the Killer wore. Once he put it on he was no longer Minogos. Minol smirked. "Hungry again?" Minogos nodded . "The game tonight will be especially dangerous. Patrols have tripled . There are elves paying attention. Even her own personal spies roam the streets, this will be a challenge." He sounded almost giddy as he spoke. "I will destroy more of them for her tonight. "

Minol nodded and began to leave . His hand rested on Minogos' shoulder. "do as you must My Child. Just know that there is very little in the world that I truly love and You are one of those things. I do not say this lightly." With those words he vanished . Minogos began to prepare for his night.

Out in the city evil men made evil plans. The slaughter of their compatriots had them out for blood as well. They best on the job, covertly spying on everything. The dark figure was spotted. Tracking them was a challenge . It took several of them to finally pin him down . He heading right for the house that housed the meeting for the night. These evil men delighting in evil pleasures and discussing the future of business.

Slaves served them vast amounts of food and drink. They took their bodies as they wished . Resting safe in the fact they were well guarded. The commotion outside got the guards inside attentions. Even their employers were on edge . It sounded vicious. Then finally it stopped and a few minutes later they were dragging a dark hooded figure into the tent. Slaves were ushered out. The figures weapons were handed to one of the most evil of them all. Two scimitars two daggers. The dark figure hung limply in the arms of their guards.

"Lets see who this killer is . " The man reached out with a chubby hand to pull the crimson scarf from the dark figures head and out spilled long braids of Dark hair . one of the guards forced his head up by grabbing the braids and pulling The same fat hand pulled the face covering down. "The Dancer?" He would say in disbelief. The Killers lashes would flutter and then his purple eyes would open . He grinned and that's when he began.

He pulled from their grasp with nothing but sheer strength . A wind blew from no where in the house and all the lamps in the room suddenly darkened . There was nothing but the sounds of confusion and death . A gurgling sound began to ring out one after the other. More guards poured into the house and headed towards the room . One brave enough to bring a lamp. When he entered the room what greeted him was nothing more than sheer horror. Everything within was dead. Their bodies tossed about the room without care.

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