Chapter 85: The Punishment

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Juniper held Melian in her arms as she walked towards the garden. The morning chill was finally giving way to the warmth of the afternoon. Both she and the baby needed a bit of sun. Rounding the the last pillar and stepping into garden Thranduil stood there and in his hand as a long silver chain of mythril.

" What is this Melamin? Planning on getting a pet? " She said with a smile and moved towards her pile of cushions then stopped as he began to shake his head. Ninnel approached . The look in her eyes was somber. She did not speak as she took the baby from Junipers arms.

Juniper looked confused as she watched Ninnel carry Melian off deeper into the garden. Her lavender gaze shifting to Thranduil. He face bore no expression . " Melamin?" she said her said shaking.

He would inhale deeply before speaking. " We are home now and you are more settled. I have not forgotten the bargain we made . You said you would bear all of the chains meant for Tauriel, Jeven and Elthian. "

She felt something within her recoil from him and so she stepped back. She had said that. She did tell them she would make sure they did not endure punishment for supporting her. She keeps her promises.

Her lips tremble and she swallows past the tightening of her throat. " I did say that, Didn't I." Her voice falling into nearly a whisper.

He began to walk towards her and she felt herself backing away. It was her instinct. A fairy's heart is wild and free after all.

" Stop!" His voice commanded and she found herself obeying . The manacle closed around her small ankle and shrunk to fit her perfectly . As he dropped the coils of chain to the ground she followed the shimmering line to a ring in the stone floor right at the base of the first pillar. 'Had it always been there?' She thought then looked at her own small bare feet and the shiny circle around her ankle.

" Do not even think about going small. It holds an enchantment like the bracelet Hannibal had given you and I am the only one that can remove this chain." He said She did not move . " It is long enough for you to reach your place in the garden . You have access to the nursery, bedroom and bathroom. You will have no visitors. Ninnel and Galion have been commanded to have minimal conversation with you. " She felt herself sinking down with legs shaking and finally they refused to keep her upright and she fell to her knees.

Thranduil crouches down and pulled her into his arms and lifts her as he stands. She was not crying which considering her reaction felt strange. He turned , careful of the chain and carried her to the cushions.

" Why not just throw me in a cell? " she asked softly. The suns rays meeting her flesh yet she did not feel the warmth. As he lowered down to sit he held her in his lap . Her head rolling to the side to rest against his broad chest.

" You would languish in a dark cold cell away from the sun. Punishment does not have to mean harm should come to you. " He sat her up and cupped her cheeks with his warm hands and made her look into his eyes. " 10 days Juniper. It will be 10 days in chains. I would prefer not to have to do this to you but you decided to take their punishment and I have to say I commend you for that. Elthian tells me you promised this to them when I questioned him . He immediately wanted to take his punishment when I told him what I had in mind. So did Jeven and Tauriel. These 3 are very loyal to you. " He kissed her forehead.

Now she began to cry. She didn't cry for herself she cried because she had true friends in them. They were bound to her beyond duty. " Oh Melamin." He pulled her in close again. His arms around her and He rocked her gently. " You will take your punishment with pride and when its over I hope you understand that there are other ways to get the things done, that need to be done without you throwing yourself and those around you into peril. While I couldn't be happier with the out come this time. You were in more danger than you realize. My daughter was born on a battlefield and I could have lost you. "

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