Chapter 57: Something different in the full moons light

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There had been no new updates for a few days . Messages often took a while to arrive . Last update they had gotten was when the troops were a day away from meeting the refugee camp. He sighed and looked over the other reports.

Elthian sat near a small table going over his reports. " Did you get everything prepared for this evening? "Thranduil looked up.

"Yes My Lord it is ready. Whenever You are ready the guards will be deployed . "

Thranduil grinned. He hoped his surprise would be welcomed. " I will also contact Lady Sentillia if this become too much. You do not have to worry my Lord. I have this under control." Elthian glanced over. " Go show our Pixie a pleasant evening. "

Thranduil had gotten used to that. Elthian was not a pain about the set up at all. In fact he relished his afternoons with her. In return Juniper was hardly ever temperamental. Which meant fewer broken objects. Add the baby in and there will never be another broken vase , wine glass, pitcher, broom . Yes the broom night had been a bad one. It took a few whacks to break it and she had fun doing it.

The more mature she got the more certain things changed . She became more submissive when they were intimate and when she was discussing business or war she had gotten a bit aggressive. There where 2 completely different sides to her. Her aggressive side excited him to no extent. She became firm and had the charisma to charm the pants off of him. This was the Warrior Queen .

Then when they were alone . She was demure and happy. Also curious about everything. Innocent and still naïve . She took him to meet the White Stag and got him first row seating at the world opera. He loved her for this. Her gifts that made his life better. She was loyal to a fault.

Keeping her promises most of the time. Little ones like not going outside without a guard she broke all the time but she was never unguarded. If she was near nature she commanded it as well. Making things grow every where she touched. The spring flourished now with morning glories and clover. He couldn't wait to show her.

" There's ion nin. Ada's alta laito " Thranduil baby talked his new son. Scooping him up and holding him close. He was really thrilled to have the child. To make the best of something bad and pay those back who served the kingdom well. He would help Juniper fulfill her promise.

Orist will know everything about them. His birth parents. Juniper walked into the nursery where Thranduil was sitting and rocking with Orist and whispering to him. "Amin aran." Juniper spoke with a smile.

" Your sindaran is getting better. " He complemented.

"Amin naa e' anta en' lle amin aran. íd ikotane (I am in need of you My King. Very much So.)"

Now he raised a brow. "waitien nauva naikelea Melamin (waiting will be painful My Love)" Juniper grins she is determined to speak only Sindarin all night.

They rode memna to the camp by the spring. A bed of soft cushions atop of rug . Blankets and pillows . Lanterns and a small fire. She loved coming here. Buttercup would come visit on these nights as well. She would spend time with him every time.

Thranduil watched in wonder. Even at night the grass around her feet greened up even more and spread out from her. The more she moved through the forest the healthier it became. This was something Elrond needed to be made aware of but for now she was all his.

It was coming to the fall. The nights chilly She would survive by the fire and in his arms. Not to mention the spring near by. He lowered her from Memna's back . An apple pulled from the saddle bag first thing. Juniper walked up to Memna's massive head and offered the apple up.

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