Chapter 39: Home Coming

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They had parted ways with the Men of Rohan and the Men of Gondor a few days prior. Lady Galadriel had left with the wounded before them. It had been bitter sweet watching them go. They had journeyed through the forest for what seemed like weeks but it had only been days . when they stopped The Pixie enjoyed spending time with her bear. The Elves would watch horrified at first when she was seen asleep on its belly . The Bear asleep on its back. Thranduil felt she was in the safest place she could be .

Orders had gone out forbidding the hunting of the bears of the forest . Juniper assured them the bears would leave the elves alone as long as they in turn were left alone. She also explained that her bear would be patrolling around the fortress as well. So they should just ignore him . She was feeling much better once they were on the way home. When Thranduil checked her he found her bones healing and the bruises fading. She really just wanted time alone with him in their own home and not a tent on a battlefield or in the forest.

The day had finally come . The Fortress was just up ahead. She was riding with Thranduil. She perched before him on the back of Memna. Crowds of Elves lined the road leading to the Gates. They waved and cheered for the returning elves. Juniper noticed Thranduil's shifting in the saddle just slightly and felt him stiffen when they passed a certain female.

Juniper wiggled. " Let me down Thranduil. "

He looked confused and stopped and helped her from the back of the elk. Juniper walked right up to Sentillia. She regarded the red headed Elleth for a moment . Sentillia felt her heart jumping in her chest.

Juniper knowing for sure this was the one reached out took Sentiallia's hands and pulled her close and hugged her . Sentillia was taken by surprise but soon felt the effects of Junipers emotions on herself. The Queen was happy and thankful. She released Sentillia and smiled .

" Thank You . " she said.

Sentiallia looked surprised and somewhat lost. "For what My Lady? "

Juniper took her hands again and looked to her eyes. " For helping him through a really dark time. " Thranduil watched this exchange and grinned to himself.

Juniper turned and walked back to the elk . Thranduil leans down and offers his hand . Juniper takes it and is pulled back up with her husband . He looked back to Sentillia and nodded before urging the beast to move again. His arm around her protectively.

He whispers in her ear. " You never cease to surprise me My Pixie. " Her head lay back against him . She couldn't help but just smile as they passed the gates and she was finally back into her home.

Ninnel hugged her a bit too tightly making her wince and cry out . She loosened her embrace just a little. Galion too was happy to see her home . He even hugged her when Ninnel finally let go though, he was a bit more gentle about it .

He would helped her with her cloak and as soon as it was off the large bandage on her arm was revealed. They both looked concerned and fawned over her before Thranduil entered and arched a brow.

" She is almost completely healed so don't fret ." He was then captured in Ninnels embrace making him laugh . Ninnel was the only woman besides the pixie and Tauriel that could get away with just hugging the king. Galion was a bit more reserved in his greeting to his king.

" I am sorry to do this to you Ninnel but could you see to setting Legolas' apartment up for 2 and the second person is very very, how should I put this... " He was thinking of the right words.

Juniper just blurted it out. " She is a Giant "

Thranduil sighs. Ninnel looked to Thranduil ." She as in female and Giant as in Giant? "

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