Chapter 89: The Dancer

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Juniper rode with Thranduil the next day. Though feeling a bit sick to her stomach from all the blackberries she had eaten. She was turned facing Thranduil her legs around him, Her body resting against his armored chest. Buttercup had shown up while they camped . He was now walking along the the edge of the forest. This adds another layer of protection.

"I want to fly more. " She said to him softly.

He looked down into his cloak. "It's very dangerous..."

She squirmed and spoke suddenly." Not if I fly with Minol. You know I am safe with him even if you do not want to admit it."

Thranduil sighs. He was becoming even more aware of her and her nature. She was no elf. Ninnel was right. Fae need different things, She needed to fly. He was silent for many moments. Then spoke up with a gentle voice. " Very well. You may fly with Minol but not right this moment. Later when we are closer to the border. If you want you and Minol can fly into camp. "

She bounced happily. Which made her grind against places he wished she wouldn't in those moments. "Thank You Melamin." Elthian heard this conversation and shot his King a look. One the King shook his head at .

They did stop for the mid-day meal. Giving Juniper a chance to lay in the sun with Buttercup. She fed him hands full of blackberries. Until they were both sticky. Elthian taking her and the bear to the stream to wash off. Jeven stayed near and in the trees were many elves that were not seen. She splashed in the water and laughed happily. Buttercups large heavy form bounced like a cub in the water with her and threw his large head about playfully.

Elthian thought to speak up and tell her to stop but seriously how would he stop a great bear too. He watched though at how gentle the bear was with his tiny rider.

"Time to go back Melamin!" He called out and she kicked at the water and made fists at her side. He watched her speaking softly with Buttercup . Her wings fluttering and shaking the water from them. She lifted up to sit on the back of her bear. He carrying her closer to Eithian and stopping . Her hand held out for her dress.

Elthian lifts it to her and smiles. "I'm sorry it was not longer." She shrugged and pulled her dress over her head and worked her wings out the open back. The fabric clings to her wet flesh .

"It's ok I know the faster we get there the faster I can do what I must and the faster I can get home. "

Elthian nodded at her words. " I think I will ride buttercup a while. He and I haven't gotten to speak much lately." she said with a cheery tone and headed back towards the caravan. Elthian had to wonder what a bear would want to talk about.

Thranduil just couldn't keep his eyes off her. She joining the ride again this time on her bear. Which she could lay on comfortably and relax in the sun. He saw her sit up suddenly then Minol appeared and lowered himself onto the back of the bear as well. They facing each other. Buttercup accepted him easily. Which made Elthian and Thranduil look at each other in surprise. They were talking. Thranduil knew they were even if they did not speak and he mind was closed to him which he did not like in the least.

He had various flowers in his hands. Ones of many colors and He was telling her about each of them. Thranduil recognized some of them and he wondered why Minol was giving her lessons on flowers. She held each of them when he offered them to her and she asked questions back of him and He would go into explanation. He had her rapt attention. She listened to every word he said. Thranduil often had a hard time getting her to pay even the smallest bit of attention to him on important matters.

Minol would leave and return with various plants to show her and now he had several laid on the bears back and was quizzing her on them. Finally Thranduil had to know so he urged Memna over . " What have you been teaching her all afternoon." He asked Minol and Juniper smiled.
" She needs to know which plants are good for Pixie medicine. Which ones are bad and she will need to know how to use them. There aren't any other Pixies around that can give her this knowledge My King. Elven medicine is wondrous but some of it would do more harm than good."

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