Chapter 40: Love, Sex and all things in between

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The week of the full moon had begun. Thranduil had been busy all that first day dealing with the aftermath of the battle and getting supplies built back up. Sending orders to all the guilds about what would be needed. The there was the compensation to Gondor, Rohan, Dale and Erebor for their help. Lorien refused compensation. He was drafting letters to the Kingdoms with his offers.

Thoughts of what to do about the traitor Vesryn kept coming to mind . The families of Nilastiel and Lysanthir had been put under house arrest until they could be cleared. This would be something only Juniper could help with. She could see if they had been corrupted as well.

Adnir was being announced shaking Thranduil from his thoughts. Thranduil rose when his commander entered. They greeted each other happily . Thranduil had known Adnir all his life. Having been there when the commander was born . His Father one of Thranduil's oldest friends.

" I am sorry for having to put you through all that Adnir. You have been officially reinstated to your post. " Adnir took a seat when Thranduil motioned to the chair . Thranduil stepping behind his desk once again and lowering into his chair.

" I must say I was quite shocked but now that it has all been explained to me I am proud to have helped. Though unwittingly." He chuckled.

" I need your help. I am troubled by how to handle Vesryn. I do not believe in Kin Slaying . I have never ordered one of My own to the halls of Mandos. He is no doubt a traitor. Though it is believed he was not fully corrupted . He was however, swayed by the lies of Nilastiel. He has a wife but no children thankfully. Her involvement is not yet known but we will know soon. "

"My Lord. Send him to Valinor labeled a traitor. If she wishes to go with him allow her to do so. Let the Valar decide. I admire your stance on Kin Slaying and I do not believe having him rot in a cell for eternity will be kind to his wife either. "

Thranduil nodded . That is a very good sentence Adnir I believe that is what I will do. I will do that with all the families of the traitors should they choose to go . If they are not corrupted and wish to stay I will allow that as well as long as they were not in on the plan. "

"How will you know all this? " Adnir asks .

Thranduil grins a bit. " My wife will see it. She has gifts I do not fully understand. "

Adnir's eyes light up. " Oh please tell the Queen that her bear has been spotted roaming the forest around the Fortress as she said he would do. He stays clear of us as well . It's been odd though. We have noticed many of the forest dwellers moving closer to the fortress. As if they know she is here and needs them. "

Thranduil's smile widens. " This I believe will make her happy. She will not need to go deep in the forest to visit her friends. She was worried about that. She does not wish to go for long rides with me anymore. She is shaken . "

Adnir rose " I must get to my duties My Lord. I want My Queen to feel safe in her own home. " Thranduil nodded and wished him well.

He was so happy to make it back to his chambers. He was not greeted by anyone . It was somewhat silent in his home and he began to look for his wife. Wandering into the sitting room . There before the fire she lay and book in hand beside her several plates of different foods lay. She would wiggle and push her head back on the pillow . Looking at him upside down. She smiles widely.

" Well there you are finally. Come please relax with me and eat. " Her invitation was too much to resist. He begins unlatching the small hooks holding his robes together .

" I just cant decide." he said when he stopped and unlatched the last few hooks. His robes sliding down his arms and tossed onto a chair.

" Oh? decide on what my love." she put her book down against her belly.

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