Chapter 134: No Judgement

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She awoke famished and attacked the evening meal with vigor. They had not stopped that day. Traveling had changed her diet due to necessity. She now ate travel rations which meant dried meats and smoked cheese as well as lembas and porridge. Tonight however a large stew was in a pot and made from rabbits that had been gotten along the way. They foraged for vegetables which made this stew delicious. She cradled the bowl close and spooned mouthful after mouthful past her lips. The voracity of her appetite became something to stare at before she realized she was being watched by a few of her companions. Elthian most of all.

"This is what happens when you don't stop to allow me to eat properly." She muttered and turned a bit to try and hide her bowl.

There was a chuckle heard from behind her, then the smooth somewhat deep smooth voice of Curufin reached her ears. "Personally I find a healthy appetite in a female attractive."

Elthian scowled and rolled his eyes. His look of shock was for a much different reason. Juniper looked to him to see the look on his face. She began to giggle and Curufin found a wide smile for her. Which just made Elthian even more uncomfortable.

Soon they were joined by many of the second party. She found herself being doted on by several rather pretty elves. The sons of Feanor were quite attractive themselves. Those absent were of course the Human and his Elven companion. Even Minol stayed near by.

"Where is Adanedhel and his friend. I am unsure of his name.. is it Belag?" She asked casually and looked to Curufin.

"Beleg." He corrected gently. " I am sure they are around. They tend to stay to themselves. Please do not take that as them being rude. I assure you they do not wish to slight you in the least my Lady."

She smiled and shook her head softly. "I did not think that at all I am just curious and would like to get to know everyone better while we are traveling together."

Elthian sat there letting these names roll about in his thoughts. There was something about them nagging at him and he could not place it. He was now only half listening to the conversation all thoughts he had about Junipers appetite were lost and he was trying to figure out where he knew these names from.

"Why do you call him Elf Man?" She asked Curufin and continued to eat.

Elthian now looked over when she asked the same question she has asked Vorondil the day before. Curufin looked down into his bowl and let out a long sigh. "He lived among elves for a long time. He began to behave more like an elf than a human. He and Beleg have been friends for ages. Adanedhel's story is tragic and because of what had been done to him and his entire family he was granted a place in aman. He is no longer a human really. "

As Curufin told her a vague story about Adanedhel the realization of just who he really was began to take hold in Elthian's mind and now the look in his eyes told that he knew the truth now. "He is Turin is he not?" He asked Curufin who answered with a gentle nod.

Juniper gasped and slapped a hand over her mouth. She knew the story of the children of Hurin. It was a sad tale and now she was in the company of one who had been tormented so grievously much. She lost her appetite and passed her bowl to Curufin. "I need a moment please excuse me." Her voice lifted barely above a whisper as she rose and wandered off towards the small tent that was for her and Elthian.

"She is rather sensitive." Elthian explained. "I am sure she hurts for him and his family at the moment."

"Empathy is a strong gift Elthian. Let's hope she never looses it."

Elthian rose then and followed her, trying to catch her before she ducked inside but failed. He ended up crawling in behind her.

Celegorm watched as Elthian followed after his Queen then sat himself beside his brother. "Is something bothering the Queen?" He asked and lifted a wine skin to his lips.

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