Chapter 87: Under the Influence

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Junipers guard finally found the King and Elrond in the Kings office. They both looked surprised to see all 5 of them there. Thranduil sitting at his desk . Elrond in one of the seats before it. Tea cup in hand.

" Well Elrond it appears The Queens Guard in finally done with its little party. Have fun hini(children)?"

Elrond looked down and stifled a chuckle. Tauriel stepped forward and winced a bit .

"Aran nin." she said.

'so this was to be official was it?' He thought and pressed his finger tips together and listened.

"We know he is here. We would like to be put back on our duties. Even if its just in the halls. Anything we can do to keep the Queen safe."

Thranduil just stared at her with that unemotional cold gaze. She was more used to it than her companions. With the exception of Elthian who looked away and set his jaw.

"OH I see. Well Elrond and I were looking for you all earlier. Minol was not due to arrive for 2 more days. He is early . The plan all along was to have you back on duty early. When the decision was made to have him come here for the gathering. However,..."

He continued. They all began to feel their throats tighten a bit. His tone turning a bit cold now.

"I find the ones that have sworn to protect My Wife their Queen. Having a party in the dining hall, and for those of you beholding to other Lords ." His gaze now on Glorfindel. "I am disappointed but not in the least surprised to see you in the middle of it."

The way he said it was rather terse. "off duty does not mean irresponsible." He finally finished and they all stood there feeling rather admonished and deserving of it.

Elrond just listened to Thranduil. He was so good at scolding errant children. "Those of you whom I King over. You will guard the corridors to My chambers. Tauriel will be in the passages. She knows them the best. Elthian You are outside Minol's rooms. You were there yesterday . GO."

Elthian stiffened " Yes My Lord. "

He left quickly to get his gear and get to his post.

"Jeven you will be at the door to my chambers. You are not here are you? Your there right?" Thranduil said and his eyes narrowed.

" Yes My Lord. " He too left quickly just glad to be out of the room. Finnola you will patrol the royal level and we will speak later about your recent change in status."

She choked a bit. " Yes My Lord." She looked to Glorfindel before leaving. Tauriel had not left. He had not dismissed her.

Now his eyes were back on Tauriel. "Ada I didn't know Glorfindel was going to do that. I am so sorry Ada". Her hands lifted as she spoke to him showing her palms . She was struggling not to cry as Glorfindel winced. He had caused this .

"This is the worst time for this iell(daughter) Go to your post." His words did not soften much at all and she dropped her hands. " Yes My Lord." When she turned to leave she looked at none still present.

As soon as she was out of the room Glorfindel looked to Thranduil. "I apologize My Lord. I did not know it would be formally announced. I should not have added that into My own celebration. " He was taking full responsibility. It was all he could do.

"Your own celebration." Now it was Elronds turn. "You are not required to make an announcement of your intentions Glorfindel. You do not fall under the laws of Greenwood but mine. That being said. Lady Finnola is Thranduil's subject. Some discretion would have done much here. You are Lord of the House of the Golden Flower. Maybe its time you act like it." Glorfindel swallowed hard. He sucked on his teeth and silenced himself.

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