Chapter 56: Battle Plans and Poop

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Orist stayed within the healing halls for a few days. The healers making sure the difficulty of his birth did not linger. Ninnel and Juniper were in what was once Legolas' Nursery and now it would be Orist's Nursery.

" Ninnel I am too small. I can not lean over this crib . " Juniper was saying .

Thranduil leaned against the door frame and chuckled " Then I shall have it shortened . "

Juniper nods. " That would be appreciated Husband. " Juniper said very properly.

Ninnel laughed. "See we will fix everything, but for the first bit the baby will sleep in this ."She showed Juniper the bassinet. "Its made to be reachable from the bed and much more your height. We wont need to worry about the crib for a while. "

"How will I feed the baby? I can not make milk. " Thranduil ran his tongue other his teeth and looked to Ninnel to answer this one.

" The baby will need a wet nurse. Which is how he is eating while in the healing halls. " She sighed . " Give me a few days around that baby and I will be able to take over that duty. "

Juniper looked confused .

Thranduil explains. " When Ninnel spends too much time around babies her body starts to think that baby is hers. She then makes milk. It's the very strong motherly instinct within her. She nursed Legolas as well. "

Junipers eyes got wide and she looked at Ninnel in awe. " That's amazing Ninnel. Thank You " Juniper hugged her tightly .

Ninnel patted her arm gently "Go on and get the basket of clouts . They are folded squares of thick cloth. They should be by the door. "

Juniper let go and hurried off to get the basket . Ninnel looked to Thranduil." Do you think she can handle this? "

Thranduil nodded "With all of our help . Yes if we just threw her into it . Not so much. I think she will be a fine naneth though she will need to adjust . "

Ninnel nodded. " The baby will not lack for love that is certain. I will suggest I take the child at night . Don't you think that would be easier?"

Thranduil crosses his arms over his chest. " I agree."

Juniper came running in with the basket of clouts. " You are going to teach me how to do this aren't you Ninnel?"

Ninnel chuckles " Of course I am little pixie and Thranduil can too . He has changed a few clouts in his life."

Juniper looked to him and he wore a wide smile. " Indeed I have. Juniper aren't you even a little worried ? Maybe this might be too much? "

She shook her head " No I'm not worried at all . I have a whole family to help me. " That warmed Ninnels and Thranduils hearts .

The golden Lady lowered Elrond's message. She was relaxing on her couch . The paper drifting from her fingertips onto the floor. She lost in a dream.

Celeborn was quite used to finding her like this. He lowered to pick up the paper from the floor and read it. He found himself smiling at the news the 4 special hobbits were safe but the news about Sam's wife erased that smile. He then forced to remember what His daughter endured and he said a prayer for Rosie's healing before placing the paper on the table.

He lowered down gently on the edge of the couch. His hand lifting Galadriel's . Holding it with care then bringing it to his lips to press a kiss to it. The touch of his lips brought her back and she smiled to him. "What has you in a dream My wife?" He asked gently.

" I need you to take a message to your cousin . While you are there , would you, please check on the fae. I think something extraordinary is about to happen at the worst of times. " The words left her lips and He swept her up into his arms. " I will do whatever you wish of me , My Golden Queen."

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