Chapter 108: The Fellowship for the Arda

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Gandalf's party arrived in Dale very early in the morning. There was no fanfare. No bell rang. King Brand simply welcomed them inside is palace and fed them breakfast. The King eyed Hiroc at the table. Then his gaze shifted onto Jeven. He had seen both of them at the Gathering of Kings but had not had the chance to speak to them much.

"Hiroc." Brand began. " You are a guardian like Hannibal aren't you." He said in a curious way.

Hiroc smiled "I am a guardian but I am not like Hannibal. Each of us were and are different." He responded and took a bite of one of the best biscuits he had ever eat. " My compliments to the baker these are delicious."

Brand chuckled and leaned back in his chair. " Go on and have more. There are plenty. " He called out over his shoulder. "Bertha we will need more biscuits please."

A rather short round woman in a long brown dress came from the kitchen with a large covered bowl in her hands. On her head was a white head covering that kept her long brown hair back and managed. There were streaks of grey all through it. Her face had a few lines yet her eyes sparkled with a youthful quality.

"Our Guest Hiroc just told me your biscuits where the best he has ever eaten." He motioned to Hiroc.

Bertha's cheeks reddened a bit and she looked to him. "ay me Thank you Sir. " She said with a wide smile. She uncovered the bowl and poured the piping hot biscuits into the bowl on the table.

Hiroc scoot himself over on the bench and motioned for her to sit a moment. "You must tell me how you make them. My woman is a baker and I do love the bread she makes but these biscuits I believe would be very popular."

Brand watched them talking about biscuits and the finer points of making them and rolled his eyes and turned to Jeven. "So you married Tauriel. She was very close to both my Grand Da and my Da. I remember her coming to visit when I was but a wee lad. I have fond memories of her. I am glad she has you. She deserves happiness."

Tauriel's eyes widen and now she began to blush. "Brand." She said and laughed softly. "Thank you. I remember you when you were small as well. I remember teaching You how to use a bow. Much to Bain's chagrin. I also remember you accidentally firing an arrow that hit your father in the backside."

Everyone went silent then and Brand began to laugh heartily. His hand slapping his thigh. "Da was both mad and amused. It was but a small child's practice arrow but he had a hard time sitting down for a few days. Mam peppered my behind though and I had a hard time as well" Now everyone at the table laughed. "I deserved it . I was being careless. Luckily My boy Bard has not done that."

Glorfindel and Gandalf finally come to the table and sit down . Bertha rises "I need to get back to the kitchen. " She placed a hand on Hiroc's massive shoulder and leaned close. "I will get you that recipe. Your Lass will thank you." She winked and patted his shoulder before walking back to the kitchen.

"Hannibal should be here today. He left Erebor last night. " Brand tells Gandalf. "This mission I take it will be dangerous and vital. What can I do to help?" Gandalf pulled out his pipe and scraped the insides a bit . " You will need to protect the north. Erebor, Dale and Northern Greenwood as much as possible. There is no doubt that they will try and attack here when they believe it will be weak. However, they will find it to be pretty well fortified. The King under the mountain and all his forces are staying. The dwarves of the Iron hills will march south and join with the forces of Elves and Men that march south east."

"I hope this is it Gandalf. I hope the need to war will end. I would have never thought we would be facing the oldest evil now. " Brand said solemnly.

"I as well my friend I as well." Gandalf sighs.

Glorfindel looked over to them and grinned. "What shall we call our Fellowship? I mean we are on a secret mission. It should have a name."

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