Chapter 17: It's not just about procreation

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"It just can not be the autumn already." Juniper sighs. She cradled in Thranduil's arms. She had only been back in the Royal Chambers for a few days. Her strength slowly returning . He was carrying her to sit in the courtyard garden. Its colors beginning to change into those of autumn. The days still warm enough though. There were cushions and blankets lain out for her. He was smiling as he moved with fluid grace towards them.

" You were ill for a long time but you can enjoy the autumn with me. It is my favorite season. " He knelt down slowly , His knees pressing to the thick cushions. He placed her down with care the suns rays falling upon her and making her aglow with golden hues.

He stretched out as well, positioned behind her . He watched as her wings began to grow. It was a marvel to behold up close like that . He could see the fluid pumping through them . Each line a vein and as each one flexed the wings plump up and come to life. Soon spreading out . The suns light captured by them making them luminescent. The design of the dress she wore was always interesting to him . The elvish seamstress having to learn it . The back was fully open cut down to just above her bottom but there were straps that tied at her shoulders and below the wings . This gave them full range of motion .

He turned to his side . His hand caresses down her spine between her wings. Her back was actually quite muscular though he imagined she had lost some of that . He had not seen her fly since she had been with him.

"Can you fly in this form?" He asked and lifted up to press a kiss between her wings . She shivered a bit at that .

" Yes and no . I do not think I am strong enough now. Small maybe . Though I question that as well. I haven't flown since I was with Hannibal Last winter. " He gathered up her hair and then let it fall down her back . Leaning over and reaching hard . His fingers stretched out, he finally managed to grasp the brush from the low table beside the cushions.

"Lets get you strong again . I wish to see you fly. " He sat up straight now . she sitting between is parted legs. He enjoyed brushing her hair. He did so daily now. Each time the brush passed through the golden waves he was surrounded by her familiar scent.

"Aren't you afraid I'll fly away?" she asked and peeked over her shoulder at him.

He stopped brushing her hair and canted his head a bit. " Should I be?"

She shook her head. " Not anymore."

Wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her back against him . His chin laying on her shoulder . He looked down at her chest . His gaze sweeping over her perky breast covered in thin fabric. The down her soft thighs .

Her nose curled a bit and her lips trembled . " You ... you want to create life with me? "

He released her quickly and pushed himself back . "why do you say that?" he cleared his throat and lay back upon the cushions .

She shifted herself so she was facing him. Her her brows creased in question. " Thranduil I can feel what you feel . Especially when you are that close. I kept getting images in my mind of stags in rut. " Curious that was the mental image she had of what he was feeling.

"Juniper sex is not just for procreation. At least within the races that are not animals. "

Her eyes narrowed and she eyed him suspiciously. " It's not?"

He shook his head softly. " No, now each race has their own beliefs about it . I'm not entirely sure what Dwarves think of it but I know they have marriage . So do Humans. Elves have a form of Marriage as well. "

Her brows now lifted . " Marriage... is like Ninnel and her husband?" she asked and he nodded . " She is his and He is hers forever and they have created life together."

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