Chapter 91: Freedom in the Truth

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Elthian felt chastised. He had trusted Minol and Minol in what should have been obvious fashion destroyed that trust in an hour. He stood beside Juniper She beside her King. The carvan from Lorien was arriving and Juniper was very excited to see Galadriel. Thranduil could do without them being close but his own influence over her was not do great when it came to her choosing her own friends.

Celeborn rode up to the carriage. Sliding from his mount with ease he opened the door and offering her a hand he helped his Queen down. Juniper just wiggled in place. Thranduil tried to keep her in place. " Melamin please do not pounce the lady." He whispered to her and she groaned.

Minol stayed back. Deciding that a place among the wagons was far more suiting for one like himself. His very presence would be offensive to these elves. He really could not blame them. He watched her happily throw her arms around the Golden Lady and hug her without shame. This made him smile. However, it was Celeborn that made eye contact with him. It was said nothing goes unseen by Celeborn. Minol found himself grinning in delight. His gaze held on Celeborn until the demands of the Queen took precedence. She wishing to hug him as well.

He pulled himself away then . She was greeting her extended family. He was giddy with the idea. She had extended family. He even danced a bit off into the throngs of people that worked and lived there. He would get the correct numbers of those that did leave. They however left slaveless which made him somewhat happy to have been of use on all of that.

The healers of Lorien were quick to set up their tents and get to work . Supplies were being divided and distributed. he found himself drifting towards Feren. He could see the visible sigh Feren had when he realized Minol was coming towards him. "Good Morning Feren." He said in a chipper tone that just made Feren want to vomit. "What is it Minol?" He just could not deal with Minol today. "I was wondering what the elvish count was on those that left." He was actually about business at the moment. Ferens shoulders slumped a bit. "The last count I got was 75 Harad left. However, They left nearly 200 slaves behind. " This surprised Minol. "Thank you for the information Feren. Do have a good day." He just walked away. No innuendo no snarky remark. Feren just shakes his head and gives up on trying to understand the demon.


The Tavern was a Bustle with activity. They had worked hard for a few days. Closing the Tavern only to reopen using the Big stage . The small stage gone the whole room now open . More alcohol had to be purchased Minogos took lead on that venture. Bynsarda was finding he held sway over certain types. Usually the type that would sell you booze under the table because it fell off a wagon. The bar restocked and now being fed a steady supply of alcoholic drinks. The tavern opened up once more but now the crowds were larger and everyone seemed to have plenty of coin.

Minogos would dance several times throughout the night. The other dancers as well and everyone was making money. It was after a very successful night that He and Bynsarda were counting the till that a conversation was had. 

"what will you do when I leave?" He asked and lifted his wine to his lips for a drink. 

She stopped counting a moment and shrugged. " go back to the small stage and survive. It's what women like Me do . " 

He grinned " Why?" He asked and she looked to him. " You could leave with me. Give the tavern to Penny. You and I could just go have adventures. " 

She found this very funny. "yes I could do that. " she agreed then laughed again. " I could not give up all this . You jest Minogos."

"Do I?" He looked at her rather directly." I know you are peredhel and you have not made your choice so you age but very slowly. I can guess why you have refused to make that choice ." 

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