Chapter 145: It's best to kill Balrogs from a distance.

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"Hilda, wake up," were the words that woke Haldir and he lay there, trying to figure out where he was, "mmmm, Esse, what is it?"

Haldir now opened his eyes wide, sat up quickly and scared the Human girl trying to speak with Hilda. She let out a small scream and jumped back. He just looked at her, then down to Hilda at his side. "You said no one knew of this place."

"Would you calm down, please," she reached up, took him by his ear and tugged him down. He winced and followed his now stretched out earlobe back to the pillow. "Ok, Esse, now what is happening?"

"They have called a council to take place in the next hour." She was staring at Haldir which unnerved him. "You know, you are really pretty, Lord Haldir, especially in such a state of undress, but you can be rather frightening," Esse just smiled at him, as she backed away then, spun around and showed herself out.

He glared still at the door even after she left. Then his eyes shifted to the woman by his side and her giggles, "now tell me about how no one knows about this place."

"Esse knows, we found it together as children. I told her, if anything comes up, to come get us. She wont tell anyone." Hilda pushed at him playfully, "you need to get up."

Her wrist was captured in his hand and she was pulled to him rather roughly. He draped a long leg over her and held her against his bare flesh. She was dainty compared to most elleth. Her body soft and smelled of lilacs mixed with her sweat from the exertions of the hours before. "When we are together on the wall, you must do everything I say, Hilda. To the letter, I know it's not in you, to obey your mate," he grinned at that, "but in that moment I am your Commander."

"You think I wont be able to tell the difference?" She asked softly. 

"I think you are a spirited firieth with a wild streak."

She did not argue that. "Fine, now we need to put clothing on and grab something to eat before the meeting." Her naked flesh squirmed against him and for a moment he thought she was doing it on purpose. How her thigh pressed against him in sensitive places and he found himself aroused again.

She stopped, once she realized what had happened and giggled a bit, "I am sorry about that, mmm, do you need a moment?"

"Yes, please," he released her and she slid away from him.

They returned to society and stopped by the kitchen to grab some food. Roast meat, seemed to be on the menu, smelled like poultry to him and he realized just how hungry he actually was, when he was handed a sandwich.

"Sorry, m'love, we missed supper by a few hours, but I managed to get us these," Hilda sounded almost bright and cheery and they watched Brand's office begin to fill with people. "I will just wait here."

"You are coming with me," Haldir took her by the elbow and led her along. "I'm no Commander, I am just a runner," she protested. "No. You are my Squire, or really my Attendant in this case, so come along."

Hilda did her best to not even be there, as she found a corner on the back to sink into. Brand addressed all those gathered and sighed, "the hoard is on the move." He just came out and told them. "Sooner than expected and they should be here before the dawn."

The room was silent for several moments before Brand spoke again, "I have received word from Erebor. Their spies saw this, too, and they give me their word that the second wind lance will be here along with all the other arrows they have made." He looked to Haldir, "I have ordered that the first wind lance be made ready for you, Lord Haldir."

Haldir nodded and looked around the room, he noted, that King Thorin was not there. "The Elvish line will be ready. Rumil will defer to King Thorin, as he said, he has no problems with the Kings calling this battle. I think, my brother has begun to admire the King as odd as that might sound. Orophin will be commanding the archers after I have engaged the Balrog. I assure you that my brothers are just as skilled as I."

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