Chapter 21: Protecting the Realm

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Her king had gotten an early start that day. Ninnel looked in the bedroom and arched a brow. Juniper was still curled up asleep in a very messy bed. Thranduil's clothing was strewn all over the floor along with Juniper's dress. She had a pretty good idea of what had happened the night before. She wasn't so sure she agreed with his choices concerning the Fae. She seemed far too naïve and young for such things. Though she knew the girl was much older than she appeared. She just wasn't sure the pixie understood what it all meant.

Ninnel started to gather up the laundry . Thranduil was extremely protective of the girl. Those who were closest to him knew he was very much smitten with her. She was good for him too. He was in a better place sense she had been thrust into his life. It was like his heart was healing. Juniper began to stir. Her eyes opening just a bit .

Ninnel spoke softly. "Good morning Juniper. " she smiled and Juniper smiled as well "good morning Ninnel. Is there breakfast?"

Ninnel drops the clothing in a basket and turns to her. "Of course there is . In fact since the King is already busy working I thought you and I would have the morning meal together."

Juniper was slow to move . Ninnel could see the look of discomfort in her eyes. Ninnel understood well. " did something happen last night?"

Juniper looked pained by the question. Ninnel just smiled and got a robe out for Juniper . It was made to fit her .

" I do understand Juniper. I had a first time as well. " The pixie just turned red and covered her head. " awww come on little love ." she pulled the covers off the pixies head. " lets get you up and fed. Then we will get you bathed . I will put something special in the water and I have some salve that will take away the soreness."

Juniper slowly slides out of bed . Ninnel helps her into the robe . The red stain on the sheets confirmed that this was indeed her first time. Juniper winces a bit as she sat at the table . She was starving however. The fae quickly dug into her porridge and fruit. The juice was gulped down eagerly .

Ninnel sat as well eating some bread and honey . "How do you feel about what happened? " she asked Juniper who blushed and looked down her voice a whisper.

" It was wonderful. " she peaks up . Her smile widening as she saw Ninnel was not angry or upset in the least.

"Was he gentle?" she asked in concern.

Juniper divulged many details. He was gentle and concerned more about her than himself. The more Juniper spoke the more at ease Ninnel was . After they ate Ninnel put Juniper in a bath with special oils in it . Then set a jar of salve down on a table and explained how to use it which Juniper choked at but Ninnel assured her it was worth it. She left a clean dress for the pixie .

The bloody one from the bathroom floor retrieved and would be disposed of. Ninnel went about her work . Changing the sheets and cleaning up the rooms . Making sure everything was as it should be and with the sky beginning to turn grey she would gather all the cushions and pillows from the garden and bring them in as well.

A storm began outside. Autumn rains. Thranduil was listening to reports from the patrols and it seemed there were foul things moving in his lands once more. Not just orcs or goblins but things they had never seen. A fox that was mutated had been brought in as well as a badger. They were larger than normal their flesh turned dark and foul. He did not want Juniper to hear of these things . She would be heart broken however it was clear that her going outside the walls would not be allowed .

Elthian Stood near the door as each captain gave report. Elthian being the last to remain Thranduil would ask " What do you make of all this?" Elthian was a handsome strong elf. One Thranduil trusted greatly . Thranduil forgave him for what he had done . Sneaking around as He had rode in the forest with Juniper. He had seen them both times they were out . Watched their interactions . He knew of the pixie and never spoke of her to anyone. He just couldn't let his king who he was sworn to protect go without back up and because of this . He saved Juniper.

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