Chapter 70: Roll in the Hay

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Thranduil looked at the message in his hand. He had read it 4 times already. He just trying to make the words make sense. He understood them but this was not what he was expecting. "auth na-rhudol(war is coming)" He says under his breath. The message crumpled in his hand was from Gandalf who was sending it from Gondor.

Elthian poked his head into the Kings office. " My Lord might I have a quick word?" He asked.

Thranduil nodded "Come in I was going to call for you shortly anyway." He dropped the message on his desk.

"Oh? Well then I am glad to not cause you any trouble My Lord." Elthian said softly.

Thranduil leaned back in his chair . " I need security of the Queen to be tripled. " He passed the message to a rather shocked Elthian.

He looked to the King then took the message . Within moments of reading it his gaze shot up to his Kings. " Still gathering near the Rhun? How many? " He asks and places the message back on Thranduil's desk.

" Mithrandir did not know. He said their fires dotted the land like stars. "Thrandiul's voice lowered.

Elthian sighed and lowered his head in thought. " I will make the guards presence well know in the royal chambers and along its corridors. You know she isn't going to like that. " He looked back up to his King.

" That's why you and Tauriel will be with her at all times. With at least one of you by her side let alone 2 I will feel much better. I am going to be extremely busy as well. So our arrangements seem to be working in your favor. You will spend more time with my wife than I will . You have my permission to keep her happy . Anyway you need. " His gazed leveled out on Elthian.

Elthian suddenly felt a bit lighter . He understood what the King meant. " yes My Lord. Perhaps you will find some time during all this to spend some time with us. " He cleared his throat. " I must see to the extra guard rotations and then explain to the Queen about all the..."

Thranduil was out of his seat . His hand held up. He slowly walked around his desk to where Elthian now stood. "When better times come , The 3 of us will spend far more time together. For now I need to be able to put my trust and faith in you. She will need your love more and more as the days pass. I will do my best to remind her that I love her too when I can. Just make sure she is happy. "

Elthian nodded . " Yes My Lord." Was all he could say but Thranduil would not let the conversation end like that.

Before Elthian could take a step back Thranduil was before him. A powerful hand pressing to the back of his head and his lips drawn against his Kings. Elthian melts into it . Letting Thranduil control the kiss . Right down to just how deeply it became. Soon their tongues were mingling and dancing together. Slowly his lips pulled away.

" We will tell her later tonight. Until then please keep this to yourself." Thranduil stepped away and released Eithian from the spell he had cast on him with that kiss. " I will refrain. " He said before finally turning towards the door and leaves the office.


The Eastern Company had made it to Minas Tirith. Jeven was truly in awe. He had never seen a huge city like this. Nor so many humans. The white stone looms over head and He nearly overwhelmed by the sight. Gandalf let Shadow Fax go just outside the gates. Should he need him again all he had to do was whistle.

Jeven stood next to Gimli as they entered the city. Hannibal glances down to His cloaked and hooded friend.

" This is not what you expected?" He asked Jeven who shook his head. " Dis is no what I ..." He trailed off just gawked at everything.

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