Chapter 72: The Forest

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It was with heavy hearts that Gimli parted ways with his companions. He waved from the back of his pony. He was traveling with a group of Men from Gondor heading north to meet with the 2 kings, Brand and The King under the Mountain. There were stirrings now in Gondor. The military becoming far more active. The people would take notice and soon whispers of war were in the air. Gandalf could feel the weight of it.

The eastern party now reduced in size. A Wizard, An Ancient Guardian and one of Mysterious Origins come to fulfill his destiny. Their path took them close to Lorien then into the Greenwood. They left behind a changing Minas Tirith. One that was coming awake again . The memories of what was before very clear to them all. The desire to not have to do that again was thick in their minds. They hoped to stop it sooner rather than later.

The eastern party traveled on. Through rolling plains dotted with rocky out cropping. They pass vast herds of musk ox and antelope. Hannibal and Jeven had been given elvish horses. The draft that carried Hannibal was powerful and mighty. The smaller mare given to Jeven. She was fast and spry and quick to speak with Jeven. Their unheard conversations carried on through the day. Shadowfax lead the group. His rider was Mithrandir . His oldest friend. Their journey was coming close to an end. The first trees of the greenwood were in site.

There was a rumbling coming from behind them . Jeven the first to look back and see the cloud of dust . " What is dis? " He asks loudly.

Gandalf's questioning eyes soon turned to those of fright. " To the forest hurry . " He kneed Shadowfax into a gallop and turned towards the tree line. Hannibal and Jeven soon following . Their mounts in full stride. All they could see was the dust coming up behind them quickly. Soon a dark mass was seen at the base of the approaching cloud. It was a herd of mutants . All kinds of plains creatures in the stampede. Jevens eyes went wide. He knew now what these were. There were so many of them. " qeeh qeeh lotha zaphodiop" He leans against the horses neck and speaks into a high pointed ear. Her eyes go wild and her legs move faster.

His ear turned to a new sound entering their wild escape. The wiz of arrows. Jeven's eyes lift to see the sun blocked out by them for a second. They hit their marks and many beasts fall . "leithio I philin " He hears in the elves tongue and another volley of arrows wiz over head. Soon they were entering the safety of the forest. They ride past many elves . All of them in retreat back. When the herd of crazed beasts reaches the tree line they all stop and pace there . As if unable to enter the forest. They come to a slow stop turning their mounts to see that their pursuers were left behind. "Thir-i anim hir-edrain eryn. Ias Gimli?(Look who I find in my forest . Where is Gimli?)" Legolas called out to Gandalf who sighed .

" It is very good to see you Legolas. Gimli is on a mission to Erebor. I am sorry ."

Legolas looked down . "Well come on and lets get some food into you. I will catch you up on things..." He was looking at Hannibal and Jeven. His eyes locking on the strange looking elf. "Perhaps I need to be caught up as well."


Elthian had put her in a dreamless sleep . She had wanted to rest that night fully. So when she awoke breathless and gasping He was surprised . He sitting up as well . His muscular arms wrapping around her. "Did you dream?" He asked her.

She was shaking her head . " No but suddenly I felt someone standing right there beside me. His presence was so real. Please find Thranduil tell him something is in the forest. I ... I do not know if it is good nor bad. It's weight is right there. " She wasn't making much sense. He looked around and there was no one in the bedroom.

He kissed the top of her head and whispered. " I will go get the King." As he left the room Tauriel entered.

She looked to the Queen in an obvious state of distress. Her breathing fast and labored. Tauriel moved to her quickly. " You must breath slower. " Her soft voice carried to Junipers ear. Her arms around her. "You must focus on me Juniper . Feel my warmth and hear my voice. I am real and what has your attention is not before you. " Gently she pulled Juniper back into reality.

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