Chapter 49: The White Stag

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Thranduil awakens . The fire died down and he was curled up with Elthian. His pixie not around the camp. Yet he knew she was not in danger. He quietly slipped from under the blankets and pulled his leggings on . Her scent was on the breeze . He followed it towards the meadow. He smiled to himself knowing she had gone to see the stag. When approached He did not see her laying on the rise .

He lowered down and crawled up it . His head lifting gently . His lip parted as his gaze widened. She stood naked in the meadow. The white Stag coming from the trees . His family of doe and fawns emerging as well. She was so small as the White stag approached. His great head bouncing softly with his steps . His flowing mane captured by the breeze .

He was stunning to see. The closer he got to her she tilted her head back to look up to him . He stood proudly before her. His gaze down on the Fae. She in all her night time glory. Her silver hair flowing in the breeze. Her flesh glowing slightly. Her small hand lifted to the Stags face. He dipped his head down do she could caress over his cheek .

The other deer began to approach as well . The doe standing in a semi circle around her. The fawn coming close to sniff at her . She was just staring into the Stags gaze. A connection between them? It must be. His heart was beginning to pound. Within a few moments her other hand lifted and pressed to the other side of the stags face . Her lips brought to his muzzle kissing it tenderly . Her attention then down on the babies . She lowering into a crouch . She was speaking to them though he could not hear what she said. She was allowed to touch them as well . Her smile widens as she gave him all a little pet .

Soon the deer were grazing and she was backing away. Her wings up they fluttered and she lifted from the ground and fluttered towards where he lay . She landing before the rise . "I know you're there My heart." She spoke and peered at him . Having lowered down on the opposite side. Her lips finding his He felt a tingle against them . Energy passing from her lips to his . He pulled his head back . Looking at her with his surprise gaze. He touched his lips. She smiles. "Sorry, That was Him. "

Her chin lay on the heels of her hands. Her little feet lifting into the air. Thranduil looking over her to the deer still calmly grazing. "what? ... You were... The Stag?" He just couldn't find the words and she reaches out to caress his cheek.

" He was calling me this morning. So I had to go say hello. He knew I was here yesterday with you. Come on ." She rose up and took his hand. " You want to meet him badly I can feel it . " Thranduil suddenly looked terrified. The Stag was special to him and the forest . He was the guardian of the Greenwood . " Do not be scared he is much more kind than Buttercup. "

Thranduil finally rose and laced his fingers with hers. The deer all lift their heads. Watching her approach now with the silver haired elf. The Stag now lifting his head from his grazing watched them. Thranduil was in sheer awe. He had only watched The Stag from afar. Ever since he first came to Greenwood . It was always from a distance and now she was leading him right before the Guardian of the Greenwood. He approached them . Massive and beautiful . Thranduil kept his eyes lowered in respect to the white beast. " Look up ." Juniper encouraged him . " Look to his eyes Thranduil. " He was shaking as he did this . Lifting his icy gaze. She lifting his hand . She presses it to the powerful neck of the stag.

Thranduil was locked in that moment. Seeing through the eyes of the Stag, Seeing him running through the forest over the course of all time. How it changes over the centuries. How he watched Thranduil's people come to the forest. How he knew Thranduil would come to watch him from just behind the rise. He saw his wife when he brought her here the first time. Tears began to run down his cheeks. Legolas as a child. Tauriel with her rosey cheeks when she was small. The stag held all those memories within him. He was the memory of the forest. "Thank you." Thranduil whispered and pulled his hand away slowly .

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