Chapter 86: He is here.

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In the days that passed Thranduil had kept his word. They had every meal together. After the mid day meal she would spend time with her children and once they were down for their naps she would take a nap as well. The loneliness was cut by her spending time with Minol. They going to her place. Sometimes in the meadow. Sometimes deeper into what she called Hannibal's woods. Today they were rested by a small stream. It babbled away, it's song mixing with the song of birds. Her dream was becoming more complex each time she went into it. The sun filtered down through the canopy over head. It cast dots of light all around them. The time they spent together was innocent enough. Holding hands, hugs and cuddles. She getting to know him all over again and he getting to know this new version of the girl that had always held his heart.

It was clear to him that she was deeply in love with Thranduil. This warmed his heart but he would never let on that it made him happy. It had never been in his plan to have her for himself. He would never dare allow such an idea stay long in his head. Yet this time being spent together was more precious to him than anything. His love for her grew and so did his resolve.

On this day he sat with his back pressed to a large tree behind him . She laying on the soft moss covered ground to his side. Her head against his thigh. His fingers card slowly through the golden waves of her hair .

"Tell me about Elthian." He said softly his fingers passing through her hair then softly over the curve of her shoulder.

She smiled and rolled to her back . Her eyes looking deeply into his. She took her hand into his and laced her fingers with his.

" Elthian is a surprise. " She began as she looked at the back of his hand.

" He saved me from that thing you let loose in the forest. " Her lavender gaze lifted to him then and he smiled

" Well I like him already then. " He said softly, that grin never leaving his face. "Go on," he encouraged his Queen.

"We became close on the road to Gondor. When Thranduil sent me on a secret mission. I was to deliver a message to the King and also he got me out of the Kingdom, where it was becoming more dangerous for me to be. Then again You knew all about that didn't you." She lifted his hand to press a soft kiss to the back.

" Now now to be fair I set that all up yes but I knew he would not succeed. He was never meant to. That was a message to all the free peoples of impending danger. Unfortunately, there would be casualties that is just a reality . Albeit a cruel one but Juniper this world has been a cruel one since its inception. Even if it was never meant to be that way. Now please continue, tell me about the journey."

She arched a brow and just looked at him. He truly believed the words he spoke. Though she found them harsh. She sighed and continued on with her story.

"A few days into it we were given a gift. The Meara Loratha came to us and Loratha agreed to carry us the rest of the way. Which made the journey much faster. I believe Loratha really likes Elthian because he stayed. Anyway ..." she shook her head getting a bit side tracked.

"The week of the full moon was upon us. This was very early on. I was just beginning to understand how the moon affected me. Why does the moon affect me like that? " she suddenly asked then turned to look him in the eye.

Minol smiled. " The moon affects all the pixies to varying degrees Juniper. Some it gives them great insight on the future. Others are able to create wondrous things during the full moon. Then others like yourself become fertile during that time and are compelled to mate. Though that doesn't mean every mating will produce a child. They are still filled with the urge that can control how they behave. "

She looked up at him to see his smile widen. " yes it still affects me as well. I may look like something else now but at my core Juniper I am still a pixie. The moon makes me want to mate as well. Since I can tell you want to know. It also makes my other gifts very powerful. I can see far deeper into the future on the moons. I can see more possible outcomes as well . It was on the moons when I fought my instincts to mate and delved into my visions that I was able to see my path. Which has now lead me back to you."

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