Chapter 120: Minol's only regret

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Thranduil stopped just inside the tent. He did not see his pixie nor her sister . His head tilts a bit to the side and he could hear the sounds of water behind one of the screens. Quietly he moved at an angle that allowed him to see behind the screen without startling the fae.

Steam drifted up from the tub. He could see the top of a head covered in dark hair and the top of one covered in wet silver hair. "How is she Ryu?" He finally spoke in a gentle way.

Ryu lifted her head and her eyes peered over the edge of the tub. "This is most peculiar." She said as Juniper pushed her back a bit and lifted up to peer at him as well.

"I am fine you could have just asked me." She said annoyed.

He stepped closer now. "Yes I could have but you would have said just what you did. Ryu what is peculiar?"

Juniper scowled at him and turned around. Ryu smiled gently at her sister. "You can come closer. I am not ashamed around you."

Thranduil moved close enough to see into the warm waters of the tub. Juniper leaned against the back with her arms crossed over her chest. Ryu knelt in front of her. "The bruises and little scrapes are all healed. Even for us this is fast."

"I told you I am fine." Juniper said lowly.

"Indeed you are sister but You have healed so quickly it is troublesome to me." She looked down to Juniper then back to Thranduil. He nodded and stepped back before turning away and moving towards a chair.

He had a seat and pressed an elbow against the arm. His cheek resting against his knuckles. His legs crossed as he watched the fae.

"My being unharmed is troublesome?" Juniper said to Ryu.

"Yes and no sister. I am happy you are unharmed but this rate of healing is not natural." Ryu retorts.

He watched them argue. It ending in Juniper pushing Ryu back and pulling herself from the tub. Ryu following. They both shivered and wrapped themselves in towels and stood near a brazier to stay warm.

"Why wont you tell me what happened?" Ryu asked gently.

"Because I am not entirely sure myself." Juniper finally said. "Please sister I love you. I will tell you. Just let me be tonight." Her hand reached out and caressed Ryu's cheek tenderly. Ryu's gaze softened.

"Alright, Tomorrow you will tell me. I will not relent. " With that Ryu moved away to get herself dressed.

Juniper stopped beside Thranduil's chair. She looked to him and his icy gaze shifted to look at her. His hand lifted and took small hand into it. His thumb rubbed against her palm. She knew he knew. She just didn't wish to have this discussion with her sister that night for some reason.. One he had not figured out.

His eyes moved to the entrance. He pulled her into his lap and wrapped his arms around her just as Legolas was entering. Legolas smiled at her. "It is good to see you well My Lady." His eyes lifted to Thranduil's. "The patrols are on heavy rotation and the guard has been tripled."

Thranduil nodded as Ryu approached Legolas. He held a hopeful look in his eyes when she looked up to him. "Tonight I will stay with you." She said and his face seemed to brighten. He lifted her up and wrapped her in his cloak. "Goodnight, may you both have pleasant dreams." With that he left and now they were alone.

"As much as I do love being this close to you. Your armor is rather cold." Juniper said softly. Thranduil gently placed her on her feet before rising.

"Go on and get the bed warmed up." He teased her .

She scampered for the bed behind a screen the towel tossed over it. She could hear him removing his armor. When he came around the screen he was in his tunic and leggings. Both of which were stripped away before he joined her under the warm blankets. She wiggled in close and soon she was wrapped in the comforting embrace of his long arms. Her head against his chest.

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