Chapter 125: A golden city and the sadness of parting

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Juniper stood at the edge of camp. Her eyes on Feren and the human female these 4 brave ellon were escorting back to Lasgalen. Feren was speaking with them and he handed one a couriers bag filled with personal letters meant for loved ones back home. She was lost in her thoughts. Thoughts of those letters and what they meant and who they were meant for. The joy they would feel opening them and reading them. Something as simple as ink on paper renewing their hopes.

She felt him coming closer yet did not look to him. He stopped behind her and she was soon draped in the extra warmth of his cloak. They both watched in silence now. Feren stepping back as the last of them mounted their horses and the Laresa was pulled up before one of them. His arms draped over her and she leaned back against him.

"Melamin," Thranduil said softly. "You need breakfast and your tea."

"I know. I just wanted to see them off. I pray they make it back. Her child needs her and our people need the hope that they carry back with them."

Thranduil smiled and pressed her tighter against him. "Long ago on a different battlefield I remember receiving letters from home. How each one renewed my strength or made me feel loved, during a time when all other feelings of warmth and good were all cold and gone. It was strange how in the middle of the stench of blood and fire, those letters were often the only thing that kept you moving."

Her head leaned against one of his arms. Thinking of him in battle once again just like that. She far away from him and there would be no letters between them.

He smiled and lowered down so he was more on her level. He spun her arms in his arms. He knew her thoughts in that moment. The connection between them was strengthening. "I do not need letters Juniper. I have something that transcends paper and ink. I can feel you from great distances. I did not even know such a bond was possible yet here we are and we have it. If you need to convey your feelings or I mine it is not difficult."

Small soft hands lifted to press against his cheeks. The sound of hooves hitting the ground made her look over her shoulder. "Mother protect them." She whispered then looked back to Thranduil.

"Now you need breakfast." He said as he rose and gave a nod to Feren before turning and guiding her back towards camp.

Kree stood over Elladan. He slept still, his arm hanging off the cot, and drool on his pillow. "Look at this mess." She said to herself and smiled warmly. Her foot lifted to push the cot shaking Elladan. " Get up you lazy oaf. It is morning already and there is much to do."

Elladan rolled off the cot and upon hitting the ground he pushed himself up and blinked. "What? Where?" He spoke confused and looking bewildered.

She started to laugh and rested her hands on her hips. "It is morning." She said with a smile and he looked up at her beautiful face and grinned. "Now get up and lets get busy. We need food first. Take me to the food."

"Certainly my beautiful warrior." He grumbled and got to his feet. "Troops are only as good as they are fed and all that." He muttered and turned around.

"You should feel blessed to have a woman that can stand beside you even in battle," She spoke to his back then wrapped her arms around him and pressed against his body her head pressed against his shoulder. "and one that cares for you too but you are starving her." She laughed and gave him a gentle push.

Elladan spins around and captures her in his arms and grins. "Am I now?"

Smirking she shook her head. "Put your tunic on and take me to the food." She pushed him back. Then began to speak in the language of the east and while he did not know what she said he got the feeling a few of the words were rather colorful.

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