Chapter 84: Two Become One

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Finnola was back in her apartment. She had practically stepped inside it and fell right to sleep on her couch. It was early when she awoke. Just one look out the balcony told her that the sun had not risen yet. With a sigh she backed away from the curtain and turned towards the bath. As she stood there looking over what was a sizable tub however, to the Giantess it was not quite big enough for her to comfortably just soak in. Bathing sure soaking and relaxing not so much. It was still early and she figured none would be at the public bathing pool.

Soon she was leaving her apartment. Clean clothing draped over her arm. She began to take the winding path that lead down towards the steaming pools of water. Once there her hunch was correct. She was alone. Placing her clothing down on a bench she went to grabbing what she would need for a bath and placed it all down within reach of where she planned to be.

It was peaceful here. The small cavern illuminated by some magical light. It was dim, calming and relaxing. She pulled her dirty clothes off and left them in a pile by her clean clothing . She stretched out, her arms lifted over her head . Her waist turned from right to left stretching out her back muscles then down into the pool she stepped the heated water slowly rising over her and sending her into a state of relaxation. She lowered down to sit and just let her eyes close . "This right here is worth never returning to Rohan Ah me. " She whispered .

" Fancy seeing you here ."

The familiar deep voice shook her from her daze. Her eyes opening and looking around seeing no one until she looked up and standing behind her on the ledge was Glorfindel . She pushed quickly from the wall she had been leaned against and moved more into the pool. Her eyes were wide. He was nude . His hair loosed from his braids spilled down over his shoulders in golden waves. The ends of it against his hips. With a grin he lowered down and slides into the pool too.

He stretches in the water and sighs with pleasure." I don't know about you but the bathing tub in my apartment doesn't allow for a full soak. "

She shrugged a bit and relaxed some. They were exploring a relationship. They had spent many nights together . Sex only happening in Lorien the night before the battle that wasn't. With looming war hanging over their heads it had not been much more than just raw baser need.

His hair floated on the surface of the water. Shimmering in the dim light like liquid gold. His face was serene. His gaze never leaving her. He begins to grin as he starts to feel what she feels . His fea reaching out to her. Finnola just looking at him . Her lips parted a bit with deepening breaths. It was becoming obvious to her. What she felt was not some young girls fleeting crush. It was far more encompassing that what she had felt with Legolas.

" I love you Glorfindel." She said suddenly.

He arched a brow. " Well My Goddess I have known that for a while now. It's good to hear you finally say it. " He shifted and his hand reached out to her in the water . Taking her wrist he pulled her to him. " It's good you finally admit it to yourself. " She was so close. His hand on her cheek. He fea threatening to burst forth and he struggled to keep it within. Her green eyes were exploring the depths of his. It was then that she understood the struggle within him.

Their lips meet and his arms moved around her. Pulling her against him in a tight embrace. The kiss deepens and she moans very softly into it. The buoyancy of the water working to his advantage. He felt insanely powerful legs wrap around his waist. His hands grasp her firm backside and his fingers kneed into the flesh. The last shred of control Finnola had melted away. Her hands tangle in his golden hair . Her fingers pressing to the back of his head . She felt herself drifting through the water slowly.

"I want to be with you. I want to be with you forever. " She managed to whisper against his lips. She knew, she had known for a while. She was meant to be his and his alone.

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