Chapter 130: You are me and I am you

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The initial gasps passed and now the elves began to argue. The words flowing forth were in quenya. She did not understand any of it. Nor did she understand why they argued. What had she said that would cause such an outburst? Her eyes looked between them all. Elrond was arguing with them. The only elves that were not arguing were Elthian and Caranthir. Caranthir's eyes were down on her. Now that he knew who she was he had a better understanding of what she was.

He stepped closer then turned so he was blocking her view of the argument as it became rather animated. "My Lady," he said and her eyes lifted to his. "please lets go outside. You should not be witness to such rude behavior. You as well My Lord." He spoke to Elthian who looked shocked at being given such a title but technically Caranthir was correct in using it. Juniper had effectively just made him a King in their eyes.

Elthian nodded and took Juniper's hand and tugged gently. "Let's go Melamin. Caranthir is right." The three of them began to depart from the tent Juniper looked back to Elrond who steadfastly was defending them.

She came back into the light. The sun was warm on her flesh and she closed her eyes and just let Elthian guide her. Her grip tightens on his hand.

"If I had known My Lord and My Lady I would have behaved differently." Caranthir said to them. "I still would have defended myself but I feel I was rather rude.." Caranthir's apology was cut off the sound of a familiar voice.

"Elthian, Juniper what are you doing out here? Shouldn't you both be in the meeting."

She opened her eyes and looked towards the voice. It was Gandalf standing near them with a confused look on his face. She for the moment paid no heed to the human that stood next to him wearing a shocked expression. Her hand slipped from Elthian's and she burst into tears and ran for Gandalf. Crying his name as she threw her arms around him and buried her face in his robes.

The wizard passed his staff to his companion and he lowered down and embraced the small fae tenderly. "Shhh Shhh little Queen what has you so upset when you just arrived?" He asked gently.

She clung to him. Her whole body trembled with her sobs. "I... I..." she struggled to speak.

Elthian stepped closer along with Caranthir. "I am afraid that during the introductions she told them I was the King Consort and now they are all arguing over it. " Elthian said.

Gandalf looked up to him with one blue eye.

"They do not understand how The Woodland Realm can have two kings and since he is the King consort should they be treating with him and not her. There were other accusations I will not repeat in her presence. Elrond is alone in there." Caranthir explained.

"I messed everything up." She finally said her words shaking with her tears and muffled by his robes.

Finnola and Narl were storming from the tent now. "Gandalf I may not know what they are saying in there but I do not like the tone." She said rather loudly as she walked towards them. Narl was silent but looked rather agitated by the whole affair and seemed even more angry seeing Juniper in tears.

"FINNOLA! Oh My Godddess." Glorfindel was running through the camp and could not help himself but to call to her when he saw her tall form in the crowd. His excitement began to dwindle when he approach and saw what was happening.

She did gather him into her powerful arms though. Hugging him tightly. "I am afraid our tender reunion will have to wait." She told him and let him go.

Gandalf looked up to the Golden Warrior as Elthian explained what was happening in the tent. Glorfindel began to grind his teeth together and stepped closer to Gandalf and Juniper. He lowered down and pulled her from Gandalf's arms and turned her around. As Gandalf rose he took a hold of his robes and and used them to wipe the tears from her cheeks and eyes. Gandalf sighed in resignation to this.

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