Chapter 58: Death Dealing

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The sky was just barely turning dark grey with the rising of the sun. Thranduil awoke but Juniper was not there. Pulling his leggings on then his boots . He wore a smile knowing where she had gone.

The night was still clinging to the forest floor. He moved through the trees without a sound. Nature continued on around him and he was aware of everything. He had never been this attuned to his forest. It was one of the gifts he received from her. He lay a hand upon a gloriously large oak and could hear it singing from deep in its roots a constant song between the mother and the living things planted in her soil. The rise coming into view and there she sat on the top of it . Her eyes on the meadow below.

She was wrapped in a blanket and sitting quietly. The Stag and the doe were still there. As winter approaches they will return less to the meadow . She really hoped he would return next year. She had grown fond of them.

He moved so carefully. She attuned to the world just as he was . She could feel the vibrations of his soundless steps as they neared. Juniper smiled and pulled the blanket tighter around her to block the chilled morning breeze.

" Hello My love." Her voice lifted brightly and as soon as he sat down she opened the blanket and pulled herself up against his side. Instinctively His arm wrapped around her . Holding her close. He watched the white deer too. But now fully in view. Being watched just as much as he was watching.

" What no elvish?" He asked with his silvery gaze cast down on her.

"No its hard to keep speaking it and this morning I want to focus on you and not trying to impress you. "

He nodded and looked down . Eyeing the grasses and flowers that had sprung out from around her.

" I bet Orist is already awake and demanding pre breakfast . " Her arms wrapped around his . Her body hugged against it . "Followed an hour later by breakfast then elevensies."

Thranduil began to laugh . " Like a Hobbit? " He asked amused.

" Yes love like a Hobbit. " She nods and just smiles.

" How do you know of Hobbits?" Thranduil asked.

She sighed. " I read a book that had Hobbits in it . It was from your own library . "

He laughed " Yes yes the one Bilbo and I wrote when he came to stay for a while. I gave it deep consideration. I mean when was I to be around Hobbits again. So I had him write all about them. He was really very good at story telling. " He caressed his hand down her back . His fingers lightly grazing over her wings. " Why don't you fly some with me this morning. Let the wings get a stretch. "

"I just might do that. " She grinned at him.

The Rohirrim rode out hours before dawn. The archery brigade Lead by Legolas headed out as well. Elladan and Elrohir speaking from horse back. Their divisions lining up. Finnola stood beside Glorfindel. She towered over him by at least 8 inches.

He was explaining the tactics as their horses were being taken to them. "You are the power . I need you killing trolls. I can destroy the catapults. "

She leaned on the lance like weapon. The blade gleaming in the suns first rays. " You point me in the direction you want me to go and I'll kill everything in my path but if I tell you to run . Do not question me. You run . You will need to trust me . When it happens You don't want to be in it. "

Glorfindel blinked and her grin got wider. She was a beast. Never had he felt such an admiration. How did Legolas manage to keep her? His thoughts pushed back in favor for war. He just grinned though . Thrilled to get to see her in action. Their horses brought to them They would ride as well but further out from the main body of the army. They had to be a bit sneaky as well.

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