Chapter 119: The Unusual Hero

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"Grah!" Drannor bellowed from his bed chamber. "GRAH!" When Grah entered he found his Lord pacing and looking angered.

"What is it My Lord?" He asked in a calm tone. Then began to pick up the multitude of clothing that had been strewn about the bed chamber.

"I am being summoned." Drannor said and continued to pace.

Grah paused what he was doing to study his Lord for a moment. Then dropped the clothing on a chair. "Why does this anger you? You knew he would do this once he realized the elf King was on the move."

"I did I did." He waved his hand then collapsed among the clothing in the chair. "I had hoped to have time to see her. At least once before I went to make war against her."

Grah began to laugh. He shook his head. "I would advise you against that My Lord. She is currently very well protected and while Minol is not your enemy per say he would be forced to defend her if you just showed up."

Drannor grinned a bit. "You are so correct." He hummed a bit and got that devious look to his amber eyes. Grah knew that look well and sighed.

The sun had finally reappeared. Though the day was cold it was not so bitter. Because of this Thranduil had ordered the stop for the mid day meal a bit early and had plans to not start again until a bit late. The fae were on fur blankets near a warm fire. Their faces lifted up to the sun. It was the first time he had seen either of them smile in weeks.

A river rushed not far off. He did not know the name of this river. Yet he was told a way across it was just a few days away. Many elves, men and orc were busy filling water barrels during their long break and many horses were being lead there to drink. He had even taken his own horse down a slightly steep path to the rivers edge to drink.

Shadow and Shade returned quickly to Ryu. They the first to sound the alarm. One staying with the Fae the other finding Legolas. "Wargs. Wargs are coming." Legolas had the horns blown.

Thranduil stood by the waters edge and when the sound of the horns reached his ears all those gathered began to abandon their tasks . There was however a bottle neck formed at the steep path . He abandoned his horse and scaled the cliff with ease.

His feet meeting the ground at the top His eyes widen to see a scene of chaos. They were being over run by wargs. He growls and unsheathes both swords and begins to make his way towards the carriage.

"Hurry both of you back to the carriage." Legolas was ushering the fae back to the safest place for them. Over head he heard the flap of Minol's wings then in seconds a warg was nearly on them. They heard the pain filled cry of the warg as Minol swooped down to grab it then tossed it down to the ground hard.

Juniper reached the steps to the carriage first and had made it inside. Ryu several feet behind . Juniper watched as Shadow suddenly pushed Ryu away then threw their arms around a large warg. "RYU!" She screamed and as she prepared to bring forth Rowena the carriage horses were finally unable to hold and broke into a wild run. Throwing Juniper to the back of the carriage. Her head slammed against the edge of the seats.

Minol saw the carriage being pulled wildly across the plain. He spun in the air and began to dive for it. There was shadow on the ground under him. It was not his own. It was massive . He turned his body just in time to throw his arms and legs up to block the attack .

He hitting the ground hard. Growling as he looked up it was another of the dark beasts the dark lord had created. A winged chimera. The smell of it told Minol it had once been a vulture. Yet now it was enormous. Four clawed legs, the vultures head the body was unidentifiable and the head of a fanged serpent. "Two heads?" Minol groaned and pushed himself up.

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