Chapter 82: Restoration

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Lorithir caught the woman in his arms . She clung to him and trembled. " Please My Lord. " She cried then buried her face into his chest. Lorithir grabs the woman's shoulders. His hands holding her firmly but not hurting her as he easily could. She fell to her knees and slipped from his grasp. There at his feet , her tears falling on the toes of his boots she begged much as a slave would. " Please My Lord do not send me back. I can not go back. I will so anything for you. Please just do not send me back."

He lowers into a crouch and reaches out to caress her lowered head tenderly. "First you must tell me who you are and who I am not sending you back to."

She looked up with tears streaming down her cheeks. Lorithir gasps. He had never seen a more beautiful female. Her flesh was like porcelain. Smooth and pale. Much like his own yet hers held a gentle glow much like Glorfindel. Her eyes were a deep dark brown so dark they almost appeared black. Almond shaped and reddened with her tears. Her nose was slightly wide set and her lips plumped and a dusky shade of pink. She looked so exotic to him. "gwelwen(breath taking)" He murmured. Her face was framed in long blue black hair with made her flesh appear even more perfect.

He watched her lips tremble and part. " I am Ryu. Slave to those who dwell in the east. Please do not send me back to them. I will do anything for you. "

He gasped and just looked her in the eye. What kind of slave was one who was so fair? The thoughts that came to mind were terrible. He drew her to him and wrapped his arms around her. Lorithir holds her protectively. " I will not send you back. I must however, take you to my King. "

She tried to wiggle away her voice rising in despair. " No please he will send me back . " She cries and stops struggling her body going limp against him. She fainted.

Lorithir scooped her up into his arms and carried her easily through the forest and back to the camp. Once there attention was drawn to him . Aleshea hurried over as her brother lay the woman down beside the fire. Her flesh was very cold to the touch. " What has happened hanar?

" He was careful with this woman. His cloak folded and placed under her head. Aleshea Offered him her own to cover the strange woman in. " Please go and bring the king here muinthel"

Lorithir barely left her side . Even as he tried to gather the things for medicinal tea. Ayduin shook his head. " I will go get what you need " he told Lorithir.

" Thank you and bring some food as well. I imagine she will be starving when she wakes up. " He rubbed at her small slender fingers and them moved up her hand . trying to warm her and make her blood flow easier. Had he realized she was this cold He would have started to warm her much sooner. He sang softly using his fea to gently warm the flesh along with friction. His hands working up over her wrist to her forearm.

Thranduil soon arrived with Elrond. They stopped and stared at the woman Lorithir has brought. Elrond was now checking her over, yes she was very cold. He looked to Lorithir. "Keep doing that. "

He began to check her for wounds. He rolled her towards Lorithir and he held her as Elrond ran his fingers down her back looking for arrows, slashes or stabs. What he found was perhaps even more horrifying. Her dress was very loose and as his hand slide the fabric down he could see the criss cross marks from many whippings. Some of them fresh and rather infected. " Well at least the exposure has dropped her fever." He muttered. Then looked to Thranduil who's face had darkened and a frown was upon his lips.

"Lorithir lets take her to My tent where I can tend her. " Elrond spoke gently and Lorithir again took her into his arms. His heart breaking for her. What he feared was now most certainly true. Ayduin was returning with hot water in a kettle in one hand and a small bowl of soup in the other.

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