Chapter 24: Good News travels Fast?

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Tauriel had been summoned by the king. Her banishment had lasted until they were coming home from the battle of five armies. Thranduil's change of heart had shocked many at the time . She had returned to Greenwood and gone back to her duties as a guard though no longer a captain.

She was waiting outside the Royal Chambers until Galion came for her. Of course she had heard of the change in the Kings marital status and too heard the new Queen was no Elleth but something extraordinary. Galion would soon appear and show her in. She could hear what could only be described as a disagreement if not a full blown argument happening somewhere within the Chambers.

There were things being packed and servants bustling about.

" I do not want to be so far underground. "

She heard a feminine voice protest.

" I begin to feel choked so far from the light. "

Then Thranduil's voice low and calm.

" The winter will make this upper Chamber far too cold for you. You are not an elf, Pixie You will freeze and become ill. "

The feminine voice would protest again.

" Then you will just have to stay with me and keep me warm. I will wear warmer clothing I will even wear shoes. Just please so not make me go underground. "

There were more exchanges which resulted in Thranduil finally slamming something against something else. His voice rising . When he spoke like this is always made Tauriel shrink back and feel apprehension.

"This is the end of this discussion. Sometimes my love You do not know what is best. I will not lock you away in the dungeons . You will have freedom to go to the gardens for fresh air and light but you must be kept in warmth . Cold does not affect me but It will certainly affect you. "

The response to this final word was a scream of frustration .

Once things had quieted down Galion led Tauriel into the King's private office. Sitting beside his desk and looking rather unhappy was a dainty woman. Her aura was not elven at all . Though she did have some similar features. Her eyes were a purple color. Her hair in waves of gold spilled down her shoulders and over her breast .

She was wrapped in a thick shawl . Silver in color . Sitting at his desk was her King.

" Tauriel I have a new assignment for you. " He motioned to the small unhappy looking woman .

" You will be the new Queens personal Guard. "

Tauriel blinked and looked a bit surprised . The woman's unhappy look now turned to sheer anger.

" No no no!" she rose up and stomped one her small bare foot against the ground . " I do not need a guard especially if I am to be forced underground. "

Thranduil as much as he adored her he was noticing a change within her that both thrilled him and also was frustrating. She was behaving more and more like his equal on a daily basis. Which was what he wanted but now wished she would back off a bit.

" You will have a guard . You will be protected at all times. You will move into the lower chambers and you will not speak another word on any of these matters . " He said with a look in his eyes that meant trouble if she continued.

Her eyes narrowed and she pulled the shawl away and threw it at him before storming off. The shawl falling to the floor beside him . As she passed Tauriel she would see them . The wings on the woman's back . Her eyes shooting up and way . Not wanting to be rude and stare so hard.

Thranduil ran his hand over his face and he sighed. " As you can see you have your work cut out for you. "

Tauriel nodded a bit. " Yes My Lord. The New Queen, she is feisty. "

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