Chapter 62: The Line

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"Celebrimbor?" She asked as they began to walk again. This whole revelation was astonishing.

"He was the best Elven Blacksmith. Gimli talked about him like he was good elf but maintained the dwarves were better at it."

Glorfindel chuckles." That sounds like Gimli. Da-xia was an amazing Giantess. I have to admit that I wish had been able to continue my friendship with her but distance grew. Wars happened. Then I heard about Finnola of Rohan. I wanted to know more about this giant. There were no records of Da-xia or the northern giants in Elrond's records. But I did find records in that mess that is Isengard. Da-xia had a daughter. Her name was Wem-gi. Later named Willow of the northern giants. Willow was married to a mortal man. Giants you see have very long natural life spans. Da-xia lived to be over 500. Willow lived over 300 years. The loss of her mate cut her life short. Willow's daughter Waerrid remained with the humans and had a daughter named Héohild who married Eóere..." Finnola gasps." AND Eóere and Héohild had a daughter named Finnola." He finished.

Finnola felt her hand going to her lips. Her heart was beating fast. " You tracked down my line? "

Glorfindel nodded gently. " There is more. "

He released her hand finally from his grip but it lay softly against his palm. His eyes roaming slowly up her arm. Drifting over each swell and dip of the muscles. " Eóere's Great, Great , GrandDa was the Giant Baldwulf. Finnola there is indeed Giants on both sides of your family. You being the direct descendant of Queen Da-Xia. "

His eyes had traveled slowly up over her shoulder and to the curve of her jaw. Then finally his eyes met hers. " You are a Goddess. "

He lowered her hand now . Giving it back to herself. He turned and began to walk . She walked beside him.

" I do not know what to say. " She admitted. " Thank you seems so unworthy of such knowledge."

He just strolled along with a grin on his lips. " I don't even need that. I made you smile and made you're heart race by just holding your hand and talking. That is all I wanted."

The sound of falling water was getting more prominent in the corridor. The air was getting humid. He stepped to the side suddenly and motioned her ahead. As she stepped forward she would see the falls . The water like flowing glass. There were no more words. The water fell from overhead and down over an out crop. She pressed against the damp wall and just watched it. The sun hitting it from the front and shining through. It was breathtakingly beautiful.

He waited in the shadow of the corridor. Watching her just be amazed. The spray from the falls collecting on her tanned flesh. Making her shimmer as well. He wore a serene expression but inside. The turmoil within was so much more barbaric. His fea thrashing around and clawing at his flesh. Needing to be whole again.

She did not move until the sun changed position and it's light no longer shone through the curtain of crystal clear water. Pushing from the wall her stride carried her closer. He wanted to just grab her and pull her to him. Pin her to the wall and kiss her. He imagined such a thing in detail as if it were real and happening in that very moment. Instead he forced his hands to remain down at his sides. That smile, Valar that smile made his heart break. It was for him .

" Ok so there is more to you than just the blood stained killer on the battlefield. There is a depth to you I did not expect. Thank you for showing me . " She spoke in a soft low tone.

He just closed his eyes and leaned back against the wall. Her scent filled his body and surrounded him. " You're welcome Finnola. " He spoke as his blue eyes opened. The pupils rather large making then seem other worldly.

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