Chapter 116: Reunited and it Feels So Good

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At least she was dressed for the road. Warm boots and thick woolen pants. A wool tunic and a warm fur lined coat with a hood. Minogos wrapped her up in his cloak as well. She was snug against his chest and he held her protectively against him. He barely slowed when he reached where the ancients waited.

"Lets put as much distance between us and this place as we can." He said quickly and urged his horse on. The ancients mounted up as Glorfindel passed them and they followed. Without the need for stealth they moved much quicker. The plains and rolling hills giving way to dots of fir trees and other evergreens.

"Did he hurt you?" Minogos asked in a whisper against her pointed ear.

"Not really." She said softly. "Can we talk about this later? When we are stopped. I am feeling many things right now. One of them is a bit sick from the movement of the horse. Just let me enjoy being so close to you. "

"alright." He spoke softly to her. Yet having a feeling this conversation might be a bit hard to hear.


Juniper sat beside a large fit pit. A swooped chair cradled her as she stay warm inside a heavy woolen blanket. She was feeling a sense of calm that night for the first time since she awoken at the Elven Camp. Ryu was well on the mend and being taken care of by someone that cared for her more than anyone.

Her thoughts made her smile as she stared at the dancing flames. The spirals and sways they made became one long bend when Thranduil entered. Then as suddenly as the flames began their stretch it was over and they returned to dancing as the tents flap was closed.

"You have the right idea Melamin." He says as he slides his winter cloak off. We will be leaving the day after tomorrow. Everything has been prepared and checked 3 times and it all will get checked again tomorrow.

He removing his robe to lay it over a chair. He moved closer and lowered to sit upon a stool. He watching her watch him as he removed his boots. "Is there something on your mind?" He asked gently. Her silence had begun to be well noted.

"Well sure. My mind is rarely empty Thranduil. However, if you mean concerning all this? Yes and no. I am not so worried. There have been a few things Minol has said that I have picked up on and I am confident you and I will survive. That confidence does not extend to everyone else." She spoke so softly of everything. Her voice trembling.

His gaze had leveled on her when she began to speak of Minol. This faith she had in him was misguided at best. He watched as her eyes pulled away from his and returned their gaze upon the fire. He sighed and lowered to the rugs and began to crawl towards her. Stopping to kneel and lean on her chair . His hands gently caressing her head. "Melamin. The truth is you can not really for see the future. Its always subjective . It's always changing. The Lady of Lorien will tell you that. "

She nodded as he lowered down to look her in the eye. His fingers leaving her head to dance lightly across her cheek. His lips meeting hers tenderly. She smiled after the kiss and whispered. "Take me to bed Melamin. I am not wearing anything under here."

That icy gaze widened and then he began to smile rather widely. His arms scooping her into them. Blanket and all. His feet pressing into the rugs lain out on the floor of his tent. Gliding her towards their bed. His body cast in a warm orange light from the smaller fire pits that run the length of the sizeable tent. The alcove of their bed was rather warm.

With gentle ease her lay her back into the plush softness. His body following the motion of his arms. Then resting on his hands. He gazed into the deep pools of her eyes. Seeing into the fae he was was connected to in ways the other elves could not understand. While the distance would grow between them physically he would feel everything she did and vice versa.

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