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Hello my precious gems!!!

This is just a quick explaination how this story will go.

I will write the story and each time there is a choice path you will find a chapter called A/N where I would like to know which one you all prefer to read. Of course I will write both choices but I will prioritise the first choice which has more votes hence comments on it. 

Soo please make sure to comment on the right line of the choice.

Now how does this look like. For example:

The story will proceed and at the end of the story there will be something looking like this: 

-A) Chose to hurt Kacchan and fight back

-B) Give in and don't react.

After this the next chapter title will be named A or B depending on the outcome of the choice. Of course there is a chance for more choices as well.

Soo I hope this made the story concept clear enough for you all not to get confused.

Now all that is left is for you all to sit back, get some snacks, tea and coffee or any other drink and enjoy the story!

Oh and don't forget to let me know what you think about it too! XD

Till the next chapter,

 Chimera out!

The choice is Yours! (Interactive Story)Where stories live. Discover now