What a start...

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Getting to school was one thing but being inside it was a complete other hell. My school felt like a deadly labyrinth to me. I mean it wasn't really a labyrinth but it sure felt like one and there was nothing that I could do about it. At any courner something like a Dandelion could jump out or one of his minions and they would beat me up and leave me there. Sometimes they would drag me to the toilets and beat me up there. Of course I got complains from the people cleaning up the mess after that to stop bleeding because I was making their job in cleaning things up a lot harder and that I shouldn't be so stupid at all. I mean come on. It was not really my fault for being who I am and having the quirk I have. Besides sometimes I would just burn something in the process as well.

I wonder what will happen this time...

I am definitelly running late.

No question about that...

But the thing is...

It's actually physics and the teacher has a gravity quirk.

I am doomed if I decide to sneak in.

Do I just skip the leason?

Can't do that because they will alarm my mother and just no.

Is there really no way around it?

Maybe this time she will be leniant...

Yeah who am I trying to lie to.

There is no chance that is happening at all.

Slowly but surely I started to approach my classroom and let me tell you one thing. Yeah come closer so I can tell you what went through my mind right now. I was thinking about putting the whole school under fire and then just enjoy my day off. Yes, that is right. I was metally soo close to burn this shitty school down because of all the things that are happening in here. It would certainly deserve that but the consequences were the only thing from stopping me to do that.

First I am not a villain and if I would do that, I would be labelled one even more and to top everything off, I would get some kind of entry in my file at the police station which would be quite bad. My whole future would be ruined thanks to that and all of it for what? Me getting some satisfection? Maybe I would even kill some people in the process? Maybe I would lose my sanity or maybe I would become a villain for sure. 

No matter what, it was not worth it.

Then the second and more important reason was my mother. I would break her heart if she knew I did that intentionally. Besides that fact, I was also sure she wanted to kill everyone inside here if she would only knew how I was treated. Still I couldn't bring myself to tell her that because she would certainly blame herself for not seeing the signs and everything else. It would be quite the problem and I would have a heavy heart after that. 

So once again, no thank you to that idea.

The next idea I had were some ideas I had written down in my notebook like sneaking some snakes into the school. Of course not venomous but maybe something like a python if I knew where to get one. If I could I would also get some crickets and other insectds, a couple of spiders and so on. The basic idea was to get animal controll or some health organisations lock up the school and it would be a win win situation. Problem was... where would I get these things now? 

Me; *sigh* I really have to get inside now.

I soo don't want to!

She will scream at me and then target me specifically and also use her damn gravity quirk.

It's soo hard to breathe when the gravity increases.

It is another torture for sure.

I hate it.

It feels like suffocating and getting crushed at the same time. It was just a horrible feeling all together. No matter how I looked at it, it was just a horrible thing. I would even say it was close to actually dying but then again, I just knew pain a lot and not how dying really felt like. Did I enjoy it tho? Nope. Not even a single minute at all. Everything was soo wrong in this school. Bullying, Suicide wishes and notes and soo much more were on a daily list. For today I just had some morning excercise if I could call it that way. It was really really confusing and it was definitelly not what a normal school is all about. 

I just wish... no I was sure that there would be a day I would for sure explode and do something stupif. However today was not the day since I couldn't ruin my mothers birthday at all.

Me: *sigh* Let's get this over with.

With that in my mind, I finally got to the classroom and knocked first before entering and bowing immediately.

Me: I am sorry for being late!

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