A) Go see his mother

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Me: Wouldn't you want to see your family too?

Eraserhead: ....

Me: I don't care what she looks like! She is MY mother and I want to at least say goodbye to her one last time.

Eraserhead: *sigh*.... I warned you.

Me: And I appreciate it.

With that he opened the door and we stepped in where he soon went to the person working there and telling him why we were there. The tables were all empty which mean that she was already stored inside that storage wall container thingy which I had no idea how to call else. Each step and each second was making my heart ache a bit more. I didn't wanted to believe that it was true but with each passing second it was getting more and more real. Even the anger I felt a second ago was not replaced with deep sadness.

Empolyee: Alright, but I don't recommend this.

Eraserhead: Just do it.

Employee: Fine, fine, here she is.

The man working here went to the wall and opened up one of the containers door so that he could actually pull my mother out. She was covered with a white sheet as if he wanted to give her a bit of privacy. I don't know what it was but I felt a bit glad that she was not laying in there without a blanket around at all. The thought about the sheer coldness inside made me just sad and I knew that she was dead but it still pained me to think that she would suffer in there. 

Anways, once the door was opened, the man removed the white sheet from her face and folded it towards her chest so that she was still covered but her face was now revealed and I felt how mz heart skipped a beat. I stopped breathing for a bit as the air just didn't wanted to get out of mz lungs. It was a gasp that came out and after that a hiccup. Tears were already rolling down my face.


I am soo sorry about this.

You shouldn't have endured this much...

It is my fault... NO it is that persons fault!

I will avenge you!

I promise, your death will not be the last one!

The heroes saved me and not you....

They failed to save her... they failed their job!

I knew that some of them were fake but NOW! 

Erasherad: I am sorry kid.

Me: It's not your fault.... you were not there. 

Erasheread: ....

Me: Who saved me?

Eraserhead: It was Kamui Wood.

Me: Ohhh.... I see......

That bastard it as fault for my mothers death!

He could have saved us both!


I felt more and more angry once again. I really don't know why but my mind started to see red as I looked at my mothers face. It was badly burned and she was bold at one side. There was even a whole where something had apparently hit her in the incident. No wonder she didn't responded to me at all. She was already dead when I woke up... but I didn't know that for sure. There was this voice inside of me which told me that this was not something I knew. Perhapse she could have been saved!

A crazy driver?

Surely, the police and the heroes were tracking them down earlier as well.

It can't be that they were not!

Me: ... How... How did this happen?

Eraserhead: .... The police was chasing after a suspect and they lost the controll.... The car crashed into yours. Your mother is not the only one who died that night.

Me: What? 

Eraserhead: Yes... unfortunately it took 5 lives.

Me: And how many were saved?

Eraserhead: You are the only survivor of that huge car crash.

Me: ....

I was speechless about what he had just said. I thought that the heroes saved me and left my mother but the truth was that they were too incompetent to save all the people and were probably focusing on the criminal more than the victims around. What a shame to know this since it was showing how much the hero society was sinking.

While I listened to what happened, my heart felt heavy and I started to think that perhapse the heroes were not as they seemed to be anymore. Rage was the only thing left inside of me when we got out of the morge and it was certainly just the start of something new. I could tell this much since I started to hate the thought that there were heroes that would rather kill than save innocent lives. What fakes there truly become.... I only hoped that one day there would be others seeing this fact as well.

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