A visitor

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It's been a while that I was in the hospital and I was waking up here and there but I was always just up for a bit before I would go back to sleep. For all the times I woke up, I was always alone. Not a single time, did I see anyone at all but this time was different. This time I woke up due to some people talking.

???: Hari, I told you to get everything ready.

???: And I did.

???: Then tell me why there is a hero in the building!

Hari: I couldn't see that coming Kai.

Kai: I don't care! We are getting this kid out of here.

Hari: And how do you think we will do that?

Kai: Just help me out here.

When I woke up to this, I saw two people. One guy, the same guy in all white but this time wearing some nurse things and the other one was wearing a bird beak and he was actually the one who was looking at me when I woke up. That meant our eyes did meet and I think he smiled at me. I know this sounds weird especially since he had a mask on but I could swear that he was smiling at how softly his gaze was.

Kai: We'll get you out safely.

Hari: So if he is awake, that means we can just grab him now?

Kai: .... did you forget about his wounds?

Hari: No... 

Before I really knew what was happening, they were rolling my bed out of the room. Both of them seemed to be in quite the hurry as well.

Kai: I distract you get him to the van.

Hari: On it.

This was the moment they split and it was Hari who was trying to reassure me that everything was fine while he rushed down the hallways to an elevator. It seems as if they had everything planned and honestly, I didn't know how to feel about this. I was confused on what was going on and maybe I should have screamed as well since I was definitely getting kidnapped here. However, for some reasons this didn't feel as if I was in danger.

Hari: Don't worry nothing will happen to you at all.

Me: ...

Hari: We are getting you out of here and your mother is safe with us as well.

Me: ...

Hari: We will get you two up to your feets.

Confusion. This was the best word to describe everything right now. Did this made any sense? I didn't know this guy at all and yet here he was kidnapping me from a hospital!!! Maybe there should be alarm bells ringing in my mind about now but there were none at all. 

Me: Who are you two?

Hari: I am Hari, the other guy was Kai.

Me: I mean who are you two... not names.

Hari: AH! Does Overhaul ring a bell?

It did but at the same time my eyes widened when I heard the name. How was this even possible and it made even less sense now as well.

Hari: He owes you one and this is his way in making things right.

Me: What do you mean with that?

Hari: Well.... that truck that hit your mother... that driver..... he was connected with our organisation. This shouldn't have happened. He disregarded orders and we cut all ties with him... .still that lunatic wanted to prove himself and that is what happened. 

Me: I...I don't understand... why are you doing this?

Hari: You're quirkless and Kai has a heart for quirkless people. He is doing this for his own conscious. That dude would never be able to live with himself knowing he destroyed a quirkless kids life.

Me: ....

I had no words for this and decided to leave it be. For me this didn't make sense at all since being quirkless meant being at the bottom of everything. Everything that was happening here felt more like a movie or a dream. Nothing from this felt real. I could haven even sworn that when I would wake up, I would find myself back in that room. Who knows... maybe I was dreaming.

Me: What are you gonna do with me... and my mom?

Hari: Dunno. You should ask Kai about this. I am just helping a good friend and brother out.

With that our conversation ended and we also finally got our way out of the hospital. Outside there was an ambulance waiting for us where he put me inside and they just started moving out. No one would suspect anything for sure. No one saw us leave as well... everything seemed quite normal as there was apparently a villain attack going on, on another floor.

Oh well, nothing that I could do about here at all. For now, I decided to watch and not act at all. Was this dangerous? I was with villains, so what a stupid question but I was not about to judge them this early on.

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