Here we are! First lesson!

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They had really prepared everything I needed to become a vigilante. I had some weapons including guns and then also a costume which had some really good protections. For some reason they had thought about everything. It was not only acid proof but elecrticity and thermal improved so I don't freeze or feel heat in it. To top it off there was also a resistance to cuts as well as bullets. 

Hari: Soo, you ready for the first lesson?

Me: First lesson?

Hari: Yeah, we have someone you can take down and we will be close by.

Me: Ahm... okay.

Overhaul: There is a drug ring at **** corner to **** street. In the old abandoned warehouse.

Me: Okay.... this will be dangerous right?

Overhaul: It will be but we trained you for months now and you are ready. If anything goes wrong then please just give us a call.

Me: Mh understand.

Kai as well as Hari both drove me close to the street so I could get out and know where they would be. After that I started to run to the place using the shadows and always stick being close to the wall. I would be on the rooftops if I didn't know that Eraserhead was patrolling around. Oh well, I didn't care much since I had a costume as well as a mask on right now. For some reasons I felt powerful with this costume and the mask. Perhapse it was because it was masking who I was but I felt more powerful as if I could do anything.

So I made my way to the house where the drug ring was and I think Kai was not telling me everything because when I got inside I found a whole field of canabis as well as other drug plants around. They were categorised as well and the problem was that I couldn't really tell if all the people were in it or if they were threatened. They for sure seemed as if they were not moving by their own mind.

Oh well, I was here for a reason.


I am inside thanks to the backdoor being open... but now what?

How do I take them all down?


They don't seem as if they saw me..... wait... they seem like puppets... are they....

I was more and more convinced that these people were not moving to their own will and so I decided to get to the bottom of this until I saw some movements. 

???: Hey, you think the boss will need more people to controll?

???: Shut up! We are here to pick up the goods and not ask question.

???: I know but I am still curious how he does that.

???: Fucking quirk what you think else?

???: I know but still how many can he controll?

???: I told you, we don't fucking ask questions.

I saw the guy hit the other one before they picked up a box and started moving away. That was my clue to get moving as well and so I hushed through the only door I could see and tried to be as stealthy and quiet as possible until I found a room where I could see someone sleeping. Was this the boss they were talking about?

Who knows but one thing was for sure, I was not gonna start fighting this person without any reasons and so I threw that small sleeping gas grenade into the room. What should I say, Hari was really throughly doing his job. He was the one giving me some light grenades as well as sounds and sleeping grenades. One of these was also poison which could paralyse but not kill too. I felt just safe with everything that I had. 

Me: Alright, let's see what is going on around.

My mask was saving me from the gas as I came into the room to have a look around and found a desk filled with some more papers. These seemed to be interesting for the police so I took them from there and decided to have a look around a bit more. All the other rooms were quite empty. They had some weapons and some playing tables and one seemed like a strip bar room, it was weird but I didn't linger there for long. Anyways, I did look around but didn't think a lot about things and it was only when I got out that I came face to face with both men which were loading these boxes before....

Me: Shit.

???: Yes, shit.

???: Look who we have here....

Me: Well a small rabbit fucking up all your plans.

It was in an instant that my fight or fly instinct kicked in and it meant fight for me. So I jumped and kicked one guy while I turned and run into the room opposite of the room filled with gas. The mans came running after me of course but at the same time I turned inside the room and ran out jumping at the edge of the door kicking one inside the other room so I just had to fight one person. That one person was enough to deal with but.... there was one thing I could do easily and that was take out my gun filled with rubber bullets and shoot.

Just a couple of seconds later and the man was also on the ground. I decided to run out of there but when I got to the plants and the people, I saw all the chaos going on. They seemed confused and they were looking at me as well.

Me: Well fuck me.... ahm.. hi there... you are free and I suggest running out and calling the police... COME ON! THIS WAY!

I screamed as I started leading the people out and trust me, they did not wait a second before following me out of there. Perhapse I looked like a hero to them but I didn't care since when I was done, I gave the papers that I had collected to one person and told them to give it to another hero or a police. They thanked me and that was all I did before running to the car and hop in.

Hair: How was it?

Me: They saw me....

Overhaul: That was obvious.

Me: Is it bad?

Overhaul: No one knows who you are with that mask on. So relax. Nothing will happen and if, we will not let it go.

Me: Thanks.

Overhaul: You did great!

Me: Really?

Overhaul: Yes. They needed you and I am glad you didn't get injured.

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