A helper to the police!

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I really loved Shoto sometimes. He was one of the best people to fool. While he did had a lot of theories going on, there was one problem that he didn't know he had. Once he was trusting people, he would never question them again. Poor Shoto really didn't know what was going on. Just three days after what happened, I was at the police station with Shoto. He was the one who was about to hock me up with the detective in charge of "The Caller" case.

Detective: Tsukauchi, nice to meet you. Shota used to talk about you a lot. I am one of his friends. My condolence... we will find him for sure.

Me: Izuku, nice to meet you.

Detective: Shoto here said you are great with analysing situations. Your father always said this might be the best job for you, so we are happy to have you around.

Me: Likewise. I am just happy that I can something. 

Detective: Alright, come in. Let me get you a quick rundown.


This is it!

No one will ever think it is me.

The detective lead us to a room where we started to look around some papers. Since I didn't know about this persons quirk, I decided to just be myself. Of course everything I said was the truth but it was still played. I wanted to be here and I was happy to help them. However my true intention was to actually get all the information I could get about what they knew. I would analyse them the best I could do and in the background I would learn about this and then make asjustments.

It took me about a couple of hours to look around all the papers before I looked at Tsukauchi again.

Me: It's a him, not a her. From all this, he should have an inteligent quirk or at least the skills to plan everything this detailed. It might be a group of people just judging from how they pulled the nail bombs off but if it is one person then they might have a speed quirk and is very intelligent.

Tsukauchi: We thought the same thing. How did you come to the conclusion that it was a him?

Me: The way the first one was handled is not the same like the others. It was amore brutal and hands on. If it was a woman, why should they get their hands dirty? They usually plan everything more throughly and stick with one and the same method. As we can see, the methods keep changing even now. There is no telling who the next person is.

Tsukauchi: I see. Any hints about the age range?

Me: No but it seems that the first one was a lot more personal. I suggest we focus more on that one as it could lead us to the right suspect.

Tsukauchi: We are already looking into this. 

Me: Okay. Can I stayed tuned and in touch with you about this?

Tsukauchi: I surely hope so. You will be a great help here.

Me: Great.

Since it was supposed to be a short meeting, me and Shoto soon left after that. There was not really much to do. I was invited to show what I could do and I was damn good at what I am doing. 

Shoto: You are still the same. 

Me: Hm?

Shoto: Your analytic skills are like a quirk. Are you still sure you are quirkless?

Me: Yup.

With that said, we both parted and I went back home to actually plan the next thing. Now it was time to actually think about the next gig. I thought about putting not a bomb but some poison into the food or around a hero school. That should get me a lot of peoples death. Not only should it actually kill the teachers who are heroes but also soon to be fake heroes.

While I got that idea, I decided to write everything down before in getting to the place where I had my own father locked up. Honeslty I was careful and it was really useful to be this careful as well as attentive towards my environment. Anyways, once I got to the room, I decided to meet him and just walked into the room. The second I arrived the cat came over to me.

Aizawa: Izuku!

Me: Oh hi dad! How are you doing?

Aizawa: What you are doing right now is wrong.

Me: Mhm... but you know what? It will get worse.

Aizawa: What did you actually plan on doing?

Me: Attacking Ua.

Aizawa: HAH impossible. Nezu will hutn you down if you do that.

Me: Not if I kill him with all the people inside UA. You saw or heard the news from Endeavor agency.... guess who the person behind it was.

Aizawa: Impossible... that's not like you!

Me: That is exactly like me and I came to give you some snacks and this piece of information. Now till another time. I have a lot to prepare after all.

Aizawa: IZUKU!

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