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The room enveloped me in a cocoon of sense of secureness I never really felt before, only the occasional creak of the floorboards could be heard while Dreamer was a bit running around and whining so that either me or Tsukauchi would play with him. I laid there in my room thinking... there was no time to actually play with him. Well yes they was but I knew that I would feel restless playing with him while my mind was actually breaking up things for me. I was burried beneath layers of blankets, the darkness outside was the only thing that reminded me that I was still in a room. Occasionally the room would be lit up a bit more by a car passing by but other than that, I left the lights out.

As I stared up at the ceilin, my thoughts wandered down labyrinthine paths, honestly, it was just confusion. There were too many thoughts in my head. I was starting to doubt everything I have decided and wanted to do. The events of the other day, the echoes of that conversations, and the fragments of my most treasured memories with my mother danced around me, like ghosts hautning me.

 What gives life its meaning?

  happiness? or.... leaving a legacy?

What about me...? What do I believe gives my life meaning?

I always wanted to do something greater than myself.... to make the world better... where did it go wrong?

Something greater?

Embracing the journey, with all its twists and turns, and finding meaning in the moments of joy, the moments of sorrow, and everything in between.... that's what mother always said to me... 

Questions, one after another, rose like specters from the depths of my consciousness, demanding answers that urged me to think about them and ignore the whole world aorund me. What is the purpose of it all? Do we carve our own destiny, or are we merely driftwood caught in the currents of fate? Was it worth it... was it really worth saving me? Who was I? could I make it? Was it not all just worthless and a mistake? Why me? Why not my mother?

Too many questions.

How about giving up on trying to figure out everything?

As if I could do that.....

Tho it sounds epic! No more worrying about making sense of everything or having all the answers.

No more worrying...

Right? I could chase butterflies, build sandcastles, and maybe even have a tea party with our stuffed animals!.... yeah I sound insane but I am just tired by now. 

Each breath, each heartbeat, served as a solemn reminder of the fragility of life, a fragile vessel adrift on the vast ocean of eternity. It reminded me that I was still alive and that I was there. I had survived everything and despite the odds I was still here. Each attempt failed and I started to question myself even if it was the right thing to do. How did I end up like this?

Ah yeah... Tsukauchi... my adoptive father....

I remember... .ometimes I fantasized about being a hero.

Like saving the day, standing up for what's right, and all that heroic jazz.

I imagined swooping in to rescue people in distress, fighting against injustice, and making the world a better place.... I wanted to make it a better place for my mother... and myself.... but there was no reason for that anymore. Besides heroes are useless!

Lying in bed, my mind wandered to a career path that had been tugging at me lately—becoming a police officer. The idea lingered like a persistent whisper, and I couldn't shake the image of myself in uniform, ready to serve and protect. It was all thanks to Tsukauchi and the other day where he showed me around the police office. He was indeed someone great and his quirk was definitely not that bad. I could see why others would think about it being weak but for that kind of job it was just perfect. He gave me a bit of a hope that maybe my analytical skills could come in handy. My mom would always praise me for them and I don't really understand why I feel so happy about it but I do. I kinda wanted to show off the one skill my mom was so proud of and encouraged me to continue and get better and better.

But with that vision of continuing life and my future path...  came more questions and uncertainties. Was I cut out for law enforcement? Could I handle the responsibilities and challenges that came with wearing the badge? Was I ready for it? Would they take me in? Me a quirkless kid?

Being a police officer wasn't just a job—it was a calling, a commitment to something greater. It meant facing danger, making tough decisions, and putting others' safety before my own. I believed in justice, in serving others, and in making a difference, no matter how daunting the task. I always believed in that, this is why I wanted to be a hero but still... I had some doubt about making it. Was I really cut out to continue? To be something?

As I lay there lost in thought, one thing became clear: whether or not I pursued this path, the idea of becoming a police officer had ignited a desire to continue this life of mine. I was curious to see if I could make it... now the only question was how I should approach this.... How was I supposed to tell my father that I would want to be a police officer, a detective just like him when I haven't even called him dad yet.... 

He did feel like a father to me but I was scared to call him dad because it meant to feel some kind of attachment to him. I was not ready for that. I was scared that he too would leave me very soon. His job was after all not really something that would make me feel more secure in having a new family. I knew that I wouldn't be able to live knowing that another parent of mine died.... no matter the reason... I would blame myself for sure. An accident and then that? No that wouldn't be a coincident for sure. I just hoped that this day would never come for now because Tsukauchi definitely didn't deserve it at all! He was a great man and a doting father, I could tell that by now.

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